Stop your hand-wringing, grow a pair and Quit ! No more excuses. We know it is hard. We do it one day at a time then repeat. We can not hold your hand and walk you into the quit waters, wade out to us and we will support you.
Pm me for support.
^^^^What he said. ^^^^
Mm, I understand this is a big step. But, at the same time, the whole process starts with the simplest of acts. Just tell yourself "Not today!". Then keep your word. Sincerely, man.... it ain't complex. First thing you've got to do is stop romanticizing dipping. There's nothing you can do with nicotine that you can't do better without it. Nothing. Even the skanky chick down the road. Seriously.
You asked how to start. Personally, seeds were my thing. Fake dip was too close to the real thing, and I was tired of the can just as much as dip. Some folks make their own fake, others use gum or candy. But, that's a decision you have to make on your own. Every quit is different. All of that is just details. You need to START with dumping your stashes in the toilet (if you haven't already), post your promise on roll call, then be a man of your word for 24 yours. Everything else is just details.
Your whole life has got to change. I am a quitter before all else. Every situation: hunting, fishing, driving, bonfiring, working; they all require me to be a quitter first. I go into every situation thinking I'm the only sumbitch there that was man enough to quit after 20 years of use, and that there is nothing in that situation bad enough to make me go back to being a slave.