I must admit that give a TON of credit to all the guys on the site who have decided to quit after 20+ years. Like I said below, I had only been dipping for 3 years and over my first 5 nic-free days I cant help but to continually think back on all the good times I had with a lip in. After all, I think we would all agree that when we started chewing it was for purely social purposes. I don't know about you, but when I started I never thought I would being staying up all night by myself just to get a few extra dips in. I got started with a few buddies of mine cause it was something to do while fishing or playing golf. At this point, its tough for me to think about doing these activities without a huge dipper, and I've only been pulling this shit for 3 years. Then I think how a lot of you have 30 years of dipping during fishing trips, golf games, hunting trips, and sunday football, yet youre still getting by. And that makes it all the more managable for me