Well, my last chew was 10 days ago. Don't even know why I started to quit to be honest. I guess I just finished with a Biometric test at work and my numbers weren't the greatest. BP a touch high, along with cholestoral levels.
I have been chewing now for 27 years. I have had just about every product in my mouth. Lately, I would say for the last 4 years, Skoal Citrus. And, because I actually loved the taste I moved from chewing .5 can a day to about 1.5 cans. Isn't that a neat little trick by Big Tobacco to make it even easier to chew? 'finger point'
Anyways, I have two brothers. All three of us chewed for a long time. The middle one has been quit for 3 years - says it was hardest but greatest thing he has ever done. Older brother is addicted to the nicotine gum and may actually spend more money on that crap than the tins of dirt.
I had a sister pass away from stroke at age 48 some 8 years ago after quad-bypass surgery from smoking and never exercising. Heart problems and strokes run rampant in my genes.
So....here I am. I know this sounds very naive but I am much more scared of what this habit does to me as far as BP, blood circulation, cholestorol, etc. than I am cancer. This stupid stuff will kill in many ways.
I have a semi-loving wife :) and three beautiful kids. Not a one cared that I chewed. I didn't have to sneak around, it wasn't some secret. I did it in front of friends and acquantences all the time. Either you liked me for who I was or we didn't need to talk. Pretty much everyone left me alone about it.
SO.....maybe that stupid biometric test is exactly what I needed. I sure as heck wasn't even halfway thinking about quitting prior.
I know in the past when I was sick with the flu it didn't bother me not to chew for a few days, and I even think I quit a few times in the past for uncertain amount of days, maybe months. Who knows?
Like many of you I have a ton of triggers. None worse than being at hockey rink watching son play, after meals, and while I am drinking. Well, over these last ten days I have drank 3 times, once at a frriends house who chews with cans all around me, been to the rink 4-5 times, and of course ate my share of meals. Wasn't easy, and don't want to tempt fate all the time, but I think it has actually made me a touch stronger.
I ain't gonna lie, this farking sux balls. There have been times when I wanted to rip the skin right off my face. It's slowly getting tolerable, and I broke down and got me some Hooch snuff or dirt or whatever it is. I guess it helps, I don't know. Bottom line, I think for most, time is the only thing that will work, and we just have to learn to pass that time away as productively as possible.
The stories on this site resonate with me. I feel the pain. Sadistically I actually get a chuckle when others want to claw there eyes out of their face. Not because I enjoy anyone else hurting, but because I feel the same and it is good to know I'm not alone. SO I'm gonna go post roll for the first time this evening and continue to keep this fight going.
Thanks for listening.