Interesting discussion about post quit anxiety and depression.
Here is my story, I will try to be brief.
Quit Jan 2013
Around day 40 severe depression. Worked through it and was doing OK.
Had medical issue and surgery late May.
Had complications from surgery.
Extreme anxiety, stress, worry.
July dental visit for routine cleaning and to talk about future crown work due to lifetime of teeth grinding. I broke down and told him I was about to start dipping again due to all the anxiety, stress, and worry. He wrote me a 30 pill prescription for Valium (diazepam).
Note: I grind more post quit.
Stretched 30 pills over 3 months.
Tried to renew Valium prescription through regular doctor, refused and prescribed me Zoloft.
Researched Zoloft, scares me.
Was able to get 10 more Valium pills and stretched over a month.
Had additional surgery Nov.
Was able to get 10 more valium pills after surgery and I have 4 1/2 left.
Additional research on Zoloft, still scares me.
Oh, due to surgeries can't exercise. This happening to someone who had a pre surgery and pre quit resting heart rate or 45 bpm is also taking a toll mentally and emotionally.
What scares me about Zoloft?
Mainly suicide - already have thought about it, don't need a pill that may promote it and actually lower my inhibitions to do it.
Then there is the insomnia - have trouble enough sleeping as it is, tried all the cbt , did not work, ended up taking Ambien.
Have read about "brain zaps", stomach cramping, weight gain, loss of libido, loss of emotions (zombie), fidgeting, involuntary muscle movements, jerking, actual increases in anxiety.
So, what are my choices?
In the end, the one pill that actually makes me feel better I cannot get. I can always try "doctor shopping" but no guarantees. So I stay the course and battle extreme anxiety and stress the rest of my life, how ever long or short that may be, which basically is making my life a living hell. But hey I am quit right and that is the number one thing right?
Or trying the Zoloft and dealing with all the side effects that come and hopefully not committing suicide and it may or may not work. In which case if it does not I went through all the side effects for nothing. But hey I stayed quit and that is the number one thing right? And if it does help me what happens when the doc says I don't need it anymore? What I've read is rebound anxiety, brain zaps, etc that take months to get over and you end up back where you started.
Or start dipping again. But that is a nono. The quit is the most important thing, I must stay quit to save my life even if it kills me or makes my life a living hell or I kill myself doing it. At least I will have died "free"....