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Re: Joining the fight
« Reply #9 on: January 02, 2013, 05:39:00 PM »
Quote from: tazbutane
Quote from: hokiehi
It's officially been 42 hours without a dip.  My day at work has been worthless.  I feel like I'm in a daze one minute and ready to rage the next.  Fortunately it has been slow so I could hang in my office and not have too much interaction with anyone.  Going to head home, eat, throw in a second workout for the day, and watch some football.  I'll see you quitters again tomorrow.  Roll call bright and early.
sounds like a good plan. Don't forget lots of water to help flush the nic out. Live chat is a great place to visit if you need to rage. quit with you. Tazbutane
hey hokiehi, It's good to see another victim of slavery wanting to be FREE! You can do this ONE day at a time. Don't worry about yesterday, we don't do the past! Don't worry about tomorrow, it isn't real yet. Focus on now, today, one day at a minute at a time.
Stay busy, exercise, drink cold water, piss a lot, set a new record for situps or the 1/4 mile! Nicotine makes nothing better! Don't be a stopper, just BE QUIT!
read this: READ

Cheers! If I can BE QUIT then I know that YOU CAN! 'bang head'
Keeping my jaw and tongue...I like them.
It's poison I tell ya, You wouldn't drink Liquid Drano, would ya?

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Re: Joining the fight
« Reply #8 on: January 02, 2013, 04:37:00 PM »
Quote from: hokiehi
It's officially been 42 hours without a dip. My day at work has been worthless. I feel like I'm in a daze one minute and ready to rage the next. Fortunately it has been slow so I could hang in my office and not have too much interaction with anyone. Going to head home, eat, throw in a second workout for the day, and watch some football. I'll see you quitters again tomorrow. Roll call bright and early.
sounds like a good plan. Don't forget lots of water to help flush the nic out. Live chat is a great place to visit if you need to rage. quit with you. Tazbutane
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Offline hokiehi

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Re: Joining the fight
« Reply #7 on: January 02, 2013, 04:30:00 PM »
It's officially been 42 hours without a dip. My day at work has been worthless. I feel like I'm in a daze one minute and ready to rage the next. Fortunately it has been slow so I could hang in my office and not have too much interaction with anyone. Going to head home, eat, throw in a second workout for the day, and watch some football. I'll see you quitters again tomorrow. Roll call bright and early.

Offline jhodge

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Re: Joining the fight
« Reply #6 on: January 02, 2013, 02:45:00 PM »
Quote from: gmann
Quote from: hokiehi
Thanks fellas.  Posted to the roll call.  I'm going to do this!!!!  And yes, I know it's an addiction and not a habit.  I'm not ashamed to admit it.  Feeling pretty good right now.  I find that keeping myself as busy as possible helps when the feelings come on.  It's early in the game, but I can do this.
Then let's get it done together. You're joining a badass group of guys in April 13. Lean on them. They have big, strong shoulders which turn j2b on, but they're also good for helping to carry a fellow quitter when he needs some support.

Yell if you need anything.
Thats great you made step 1 of your commitment to quit. Now just remember we don't take roll call around here lightly. Everytime you post roll(which should be everyday no exceptions) you are giving your word that you will not dip/chew for that day. SO keep on posting and let me know if I can help, I'm on Day 37 so I just went through were you are.

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Re: Joining the fight
« Reply #5 on: January 02, 2013, 12:02:00 PM »
Quote from: hokiehi
Thanks fellas. Posted to the roll call. I'm going to do this!!!! And yes, I know it's an addiction and not a habit. I'm not ashamed to admit it. Feeling pretty good right now. I find that keeping myself as busy as possible helps when the feelings come on. It's early in the game, but I can do this.
Then let's get it done together. You're joining a badass group of guys in April 13. Lean on them. They have big, strong shoulders which turn j2b on, but they're also good for helping to carry a fellow quitter when he needs some support.

Yell if you need anything.

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Re: Joining the fight
« Reply #4 on: January 02, 2013, 10:49:00 AM »
Thanks fellas. Posted to the roll call. I'm going to do this!!!! And yes, I know it's an addiction and not a habit. I'm not ashamed to admit it. Feeling pretty good right now. I find that keeping myself as busy as possible helps when the feelings come on. It's early in the game, but I can do this.

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Re: Joining the fight
« Reply #3 on: January 02, 2013, 10:43:00 AM »
Go post roll call.

Stay quit today. Repeat tomorrow. We're here to help.

You don't get lightheaded and anxious over quitting biting your fingernails. You get those physical withdrawals because your body wants to make you give in and feed it the nicotine it needs to maintain what has become your "normal." There's a new "normal" for you sir, but you gotta go through some sheet to get there. If I can do it, you can do it.

Yell if you have any questions.

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Re: Joining the fight
« Reply #2 on: January 02, 2013, 10:35:00 AM »
Quote from: hokiehi
I'm 38 and have been dipping for about 30 years....yep.....I am not even kidding. My wife and oldest son have been pushing me this past year to give up the habit and I decided I was ready to do so myself. So I had my last dip during the Clemson/LSU game on Monday night. Yesterday was brutal and today hasn't been much better. I'm chewing gum as well as using some herbal snuff. Been dealing with some lightheadedness and some frustrations/anxiety.....but I know it is early and will pass. I'm just going to take it one day at a time.
Great decision. Why not put your mouth where your money is? Head on over to April 2013 and post roll call with your April brethren.

Then read everything. Embrace the suck. Let it serve to remind you how powerful this addiction is. Quit for today - today is easy. Today is a concept we grasp and can wrap our addict minds around.

We will talk about tomorrow when it gets here. For now, lets focus on today. in the morning we will do the same thing.

But it all starts with Roll Call. Soon as your name is on the line, we can talk.

One thing you should be aware of is the difference between a habit (like picking your nose) and an addiction, like using nicotine. There is a big difference between the two, and the sooner you can admit you are an addict the better off you will be.
The problem is not the problem.  The problem is your attitude about the problem.  Do you understand?

Draw Fire

If its too much trouble to post roll call, you could always fuck off.

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Joining the fight
« on: January 02, 2013, 10:30:00 AM »
I'm 38 and have been dipping for about 30 years....yep.....I am not even kidding. My wife and oldest son have been pushing me this past year to give up the habit and I decided I was ready to do so myself. So I had my last dip during the Clemson/LSU game on Monday night. Yesterday was brutal and today hasn't been much better. I'm chewing gum as well as using some herbal snuff. Been dealing with some lightheadedness and some frustrations/anxiety.....but I know it is early and will pass. I'm just going to take it one day at a time.