Ok....nearing in on the 72 hour mark. I must say that today has been pretty good. I was struggling yesterday, but today was much improved. I'm hoping tomorrow will be even better. I'm going to cut out of work early and go home to be with the family. Rinse and repeat. See you all tomorrow morning for roll call. Stay strong!
It gets better but just because it is out of your system, you are in for some battles. You only battle and worry about today.
Some days, you will feel like you can't do this forever. Then you'll wake up and realize you feel so much better than you can remember.
What is happening is that your brain needs time to rewire without relying on the poison to function.
I hope this get you prepared that at 72 hours, you've only just begun. Know this, if you can go 72 hours, you can go undefeated; you must stay focused only on winning your battle today. Don't think that you can't do this tomorrow. Know that you can do it for today. Tomorrow is too far away. Worry and win today.
If you wake tomorrow, post roll again and fight. You will get stronger, your brain will rewire and you will love being nic free.
Embrace the SUCK! Grin in the Fight. Its not easy but it is worth it.
You had 3 hard days. You have many more ahead but finally, you will get a mix of good to great days too.