Something crossed my mind that made me think about how grateful I am to have found this site and the brotherhood here.
I tried to quit dipping back in the fall (and a couple times before that as evidenced by this thread subtitle). I started thinking about what the triggers were to my cave. Last fall it was the Giants in the World Series. One time it was a "special occasion" (my buddy's graduation).
Having spent nearly a month on the site, I've read about guys posting roll from war zones, guys posting after a family member passed, guys posting (via text) in storms..there is no "acceptable" trigger. A cave is a cave.
The reason I bring this up is now the Niners are in the Super Bowl and I know the tins are going to be out at my Super Bowl party. I think about the reaction if I were to have to answer those three questions and the rage that would follow if I said "well the Niners were in the Super Bowl". Just thinking about what gmann or Diesel would say, or the guys in April 2013 who have been hauling ass like spartanron and nickald. Man, the look on their faces would be priceless.
But it would also make me feel awful, because I made a pledge to these guys and my word is the only real thing I have in this world. So what would have been a perfectly acceptable reason to caveto me six months ago (and still is to some of my friends) has become almost laughable now. I'm starting to associate accountability and honor with my quit. I've said this before, but again, that's further than I've ever come before.
Dude...I am a lions fan. If those assholes every made the super bowl I would first shit my pants, and 2nd throw a huge ass party as well. The game would go on exactly the same with or without a dip in my mouth. Fuck dude...dip isn't gonna make you enjoy the super bowl anymore. It doesn't have that kind of just doesn't.
I'm not hating on you either or trying to be some bad ass, because I used to feel the same way. Thought dip was some kind of "fun enhancer". Said no to a lot of golf this past summer because of it too. Finally I was like "Fuck it" and just went. The first round was tough, I aint gonna lie, but after that it was a piece of cake. I golf with guys who chew and smoke...fuckers kept messing with me too. Finger banging the can, saying shit like "come know you want one", or when they popped the lid off they would deeply inhale and be like, "ahhhhhh, wintergreen smells sooo good, take a pinch".
I didn't get pissed, I just said, "Nahh, I quit that crap". They tried a few more times but again, even though inside I wanted to rip their fucking heads off I just said "nahh, I'm good". After that they left me alone.
They're guys, it's in their nature to fuck with people, I can't hate on them. You know how many times I used to get guys who never chewed before to "try an pinch"??? A ton, why? I have no idea, I was a fucking idiot. I baited many a people into trying a pinch by calling them a pussy, or reciting the line from the movie Predator where Jesse the body offers all the guys in the chopper some chaw and after they say no, he calls them "slack jawwed faggots" and says "this shit will make you a sexual tyranasorous". And when I did trick a guy into trying a pinch of my kodiak and they inevitably threw up...I LAUGHED MY ASS OFF. Man was I an asshole.
Bottom line dude...enjoy the super bowl. You don't need that shit to make it any never did and you never will. It's all a lie. Live your life free of that shit, it's not always easy but it's always worth it.