Just wanted to take a minute and introduce myself. I'm now 14 days in on the start of the rest of my life. April 3, 2011 was the day I decided it was time. My daughter turned 8 years old and never had seen a day that I hadn't had that ugly lump in my lip.
Picked up the can on the golf course 19 years ago and never put it down. Never once really thought I wanted to quit. What a mistake. Never really thought about how much that thing controlled my life. From the moment you wake to the moment you lay your head down at night. I chewed so much I had different routes to different stores so that the clerks didn't think I was that disgusting. But I did have some that just threw it on the counter when I walked through the door.
Now it hasn't been easy. I thought they were kidding when they said you would walk around in a fog, but boy were they right. The first few days I couldn't even tell you if the sun was out.
But, the last 14 days have been the best I've had in years. And hopefully with the support of my wife and two girls the rest of my life will be can free. I have enjoyed reading the stories of others highs and lows on here. And look forward to draw from everybody else to continue with road to a better life.