Hi, my name is Devin. I am a 22 year old female who has been dipping for about 5 years now. I first found this site a few months back, and thought it could really work for me, but I felt I was not ready yet. I am currently a little over 2 years alcohol and drug free, and thought why should I give up anything else? I was being stubborn and dumb. I thought Id quit later, some other time. Lately, the reasons to quit have been piling up. I have been struggling with bills lately and noticed I spent $126 on dip in June. I have chewed skoal mint one can a day for quite some time now. I had an orthodontist appointment Monday for my wisdom teeth and was told I have a line of white along my gum that would not scrape off and that he wanted to perform a biopsy. Definitely a reality check for me. My mom has struggled with cancer and has not smoked or dipped a day in her life. The longer I procrastinate quitting the more random useless excuses I come up with not to. But I know I need to do this. I have two pinches of chew left. After those are gone. I am done. I need to be done. I have read some posts around this board and I love the accountability and the fellowship. Accountability and fellowship is what allowed me to get sober. I can do this. I apologize for the long post. Kind of needed to type it out to really let it sink in.
Thank you all for being here,