Bleep- dip may not have done you any serious damage or the division of those cells may have already started you just don't know.
I'm one of those that Morgan spoke of that has dipped longer than you've been alive! Actually almost twice as long as you've been around. I never really looked at my addiction as a problem to anyone but me and My using didn't really hurt me, wrong again! The day I first put a dip in my mouth I gave up a small amount of freedom, so small I didn't realize the lose for years. With each dip I lost another small amount of freedom. I can't tell you how many times I tried to take control back----and failed. Beware, danger lurks just around the corner, that evil bitch knows you better than you know yourself she knows just when and where to grab you!
I think you misunderstand the reading! It isn't reading books, it is reading all of the experiences of fellow quitters. Intros are good if you go to the beginning of each quitter and follow their quit, for me HOF speeches are the ultimate inspiration. 2 nights ago I couldn't sleep, I spent most of the night reading them, great stuff there. Kill the whore now don't let her have 1 more minute of your life or .01 of your money.