Author Topic: Intro to my addiction  (Read 2647 times)

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Offline bulldogr

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Re: Intro to my addiction
« Reply #6 on: June 07, 2017, 06:28:00 AM »
I'm learning the posting thing a little at I time! Don't think I needed to quote you in!

Offline bulldogr

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Re: Intro to my addiction
« Reply #5 on: June 07, 2017, 06:25:00 AM »
Well hello ther Bulldogr...I felt like I kinda had to post a hello on this one. My name is Bulldog! There's no secret to the way a quit works and the proof is happening here every single day. There's a general idea that you can do anything for one day. Anything at all. We tend to be more open, honest and trustworthy when we hold the faith of our brothers and sisters in our hands. You mentioned your blood brother in your intro and believe me when I tell you that you're about to make some new brothers and sisters here that will damn near mean as much to you.
So we make a promise here, every day, that for just today we will not touch nicotine of any kind. No chew, no cigarettes, no gum no vape no nothing. For just one day. Then tomorrow we get up and we do it again. That nic bitch is gonna be chasin your tail buddy. She a dirty little whore that one. You gotta stay away from her cause you don't pay her in dollar bills. You pay in in days of your life. She'll take em all if you let her.
You hop on here, find your quit group and post roll. One of these more tech savvy folks will probably jump on here and make a link for you. You'll get it figured out. You make your pro use today and then when tomorrow rolls around you wake up and do it again. It's simple. Boy it's simple but it ain't easy.
The first bit is gonna be tough but you can do it. Best thing I can recommend is get some phone numbers "digits" from folks in your quit group and use em. Post roll but start texting. Start calling. I can't tell you how many times a random text saved me from caving. You can do this man. One day at a time.
Welcome to the rest of your life brother.

All walks of life in here no doubt! And I love it! I think thats what makes it great. Already intro my brother to the site, he's still gotta make the choice. Been posting roll 9 Days now! got a couple sets of digits. And I truly do hate nicotine and the bondage it puts on people. I think the biggest I've come to admit about myself is that I truly am an addict, something in the past I would not have considered. I figured I was just a "Good ole boy" That enjoyed chewing. Copenhagen/Skoal was a huge sponsor of prorodeo, they used to hand out cans to all the contestants! (Bastards!) Yeah I fell into the old Walt Garrison saying "Just a pinch between yer cheek and gum" crowd. The dumbass crowd. Well I do thank God for this site and all the "Good ole boys and girls" that make it work. Thanks for tour hospitality and support. And I've learned a great new saying and way of life so far " I'm QUIT and STAYING QUIT!!

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Re: Intro to my addiction
« Reply #4 on: June 06, 2017, 10:33:00 PM »
Well hello ther Bulldogr...I felt like I kinda had to post a hello on this one. My name is Bulldog! There's no secret to the way a quit works and the proof is happening here every single day. There's a general idea that you can do anything for one day. Anything at all. We tend to be more open, honest and trustworthy when we hold the faith of our brothers and sisters in our hands. You mentioned your blood brother in your intro and believe me when I tell you that you're about to make some new brothers and sisters here that will damn near mean as much to you.
So we make a promise here, every day, that for just today we will not touch nicotine of any kind. No chew, no cigarettes, no gum no vape no nothing. For just one day. Then tomorrow we get up and we do it again. That nic bitch is gonna be chasin your tail buddy. She a dirty little whore that one. You gotta stay away from her cause you don't pay her in dollar bills. You pay in in days of your life. She'll take em all if you let her.
You hop on here, find your quit group and post roll. One of these more tech savvy folks will probably jump on here and make a link for you. You'll get it figured out. You make your pro use today and then when tomorrow rolls around you wake up and do it again. It's simple. Boy it's simple but it ain't easy.
The first bit is gonna be tough but you can do it. Best thing I can recommend is get some phone numbers "digits" from folks in your quit group and use em. Post roll but start texting. Start calling. I can't tell you how many times a random text saved me from caving. You can do this man. One day at a time.
Welcome to the rest of your life brother.

Offline PhuctUp

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Re: Intro to my addiction
« Reply #3 on: June 05, 2017, 11:19:00 AM »
Great intro. I got a little fired up reading it. Change your quit date, though. You ain't quitting three months from now. You are quit TODAY. Put the day you quit. And welcome. September is getting a little badass, if I do say so myself.

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Re: Intro to my addiction
« Reply #2 on: June 05, 2017, 11:14:00 AM »
Welcome Bulldog! Glad to see you're posting roll and ready to fight!

Offline bulldogr

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Intro to my addiction
« on: June 05, 2017, 12:49:00 AM »
I didn't realize till earlier that were supposed to do an intro so here we go. I'm 56yrs old, started chewin' at about 17-18 yrs old. I go by Bulldogr because I was a steer wrestler in the prca, but actually my addiction started in baseball, with double bubble mixed with Redman. went straight from that screwed-up concoction to copenhagen (which was much better right!) (FDSOB!!)' where I would spend the next 38 yrs a slave to this Rat Poison. 6 lost teeth. fronts all had be capped and skin graph done on lower gums.SO FAR no cancer. So needless to say I am SO DONE BEING A SLAVE. So I am quit, I am so far Quit that I am already thinking about how much I want to help the people coming in, also have a 7yrs younger brother, who I WAS,I WAS DAMMIT I WAS the main influence on getting to started chewin'.He has two boys and a beautiful wife. Ya know guys, I can live with my own DUMB ASS CHOICES, but if this shit takes my brother, I don't know what I'll do. So I don't have any choice but to STAY QUIT (nor do I want any other) Because I now need to be that example to him. I've told him about the site, and encourage him to make the commitment. So if any of y'all are the prayin type like myself, I could use some for this situation. I thank God for this site and for all the MEN and WOMEN that care enough about OTHERS to make it work, My brother lives 2000 mi. from me, but I've been workin' him online and via telephone.