Author Topic: Never going back  (Read 5136 times)

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Offline brettlees

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Re: Never going back
« Reply #4 on: October 03, 2016, 10:53:00 AM »
Quote from: RDB1972
What an introduction. Welcome.

Quitting is hard work. Caving is easy. Choose the hard work. Refuse to give in.

We've all done it, so there's proof it can be done. Trust me, there's nothing special about us. There's no magic or luck to it. Just refuse to cave.

The freedom is worth it.

Proud to quit with you.
^^^ agree 100%!
You have a good start, the right perspective. I don't know how many cans i pitched out the window too-- and thought i was the only idiot ever to have to do that over and over. Crazy thing is, somebody here has done everything you have -- even dumpster diving after the crumbs in a can you threw out earlier. Common actually. You can really make it this time. Keep the determination. That IS what it takes. My best tips:

- Keep logging your experiences here in the intros- it gives you a record to look at later to see what you don't want to repeat any more, it gives you a sense of accomplishment, and it helps other quitters see that they aren't alone.

- Learn all you can about the addiction, from the resources here, from reading other quitters' intros, and from outside sources. Learning how it works makes it more predictable what the addiction throws at you, and also motivates you because you learn to HATE, even more, that this is allowed to happen to us all and not be criminal.

- Build a network of other quitters, in your quit-group and others, for accountability and support. This has made all the difference for me. One of the brain circuits that the addiction hijacks is one that encourages us to build friendships- the tobacco becomes our little friend- so building a network is a little foreign for many of us.

Go get it today, Quit HARD for this day. I'm going to do that too.
This info helped me early on, and still does today:

Quitters I’ve met so far: Ihatecope, >Pinched<, T-Cell, grizzlyhasclaws, Canvasback, BaseballPlayer, Cbird65, ERDVM, BradleyGuy, Ted, Zeno, AppleJack, Bronc, Knockout, MookieBlaylock, Rdad, 2mch2lv4, MN_Ben, Natro, Lippizaner, Amquash, ChristopherJ, GDubya, SRohde  -- always eager to meet more!

Offline RDB

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Re: Never going back
« Reply #3 on: October 03, 2016, 10:35:00 AM »
What an introduction. Welcome.

Quitting is hard work. Caving is easy. Choose the hard work. Refuse to give in.

We've all done it, so there's proof it can be done. Trust me, there's nothing special about us. There's no magic or luck to it. Just refuse to cave.

The freedom is worth it.

Proud to quit with you.

Offline danojeno

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Re: Never going back
« Reply #2 on: October 03, 2016, 12:29:00 AM »
Quote from: freeTB12
I don't know how many nights I've driven home from work and thrown my not empty tin out my driver side window only to buy a new one in the morning. I recently made it 18 hours then caved to the self talk that pouches aren't that bad. I've planned and plotted my exit for months and years. I used chew to quit smoking almost 10 years ago, I had been smoking for 5 so I'm coming up on almost two decades of tobacco use. In 2015 I found out I was having twins, my first children. I told myself I'd quit once I looked into their eyes, almost year later I'm still wasting my money but even worse, gambling my health and ultimately my life. Risking my life to line the pockets of rich men who made their fortune by addicting people to a plant. Spending $2500+ a year on something that doesn't even give me a buzz anymore, purely out of habit and addiction. I've easily spent $25,000 on chewing tobacco over the last decade, easily. I've never done that math until now and that's enough to make me quit right there. 25k in my children's college fund sounds good about now. 25k on an epic vacation for my family. 25k on home upgrades. 25k I've spit into a water bottle. Disgusting and pathetic. I apologize now if profanity is frowned upon but there aren't many words that get this point across. I'm 48 hours into my quit and I'm sure as fuck never going back. Don't be weak we can all quit.
You aren't alone brother. Many of us have tossed that can out the window, only to hunt for it in the dark, hours or days later. We've promised ourselves and others we'd quit on births, birthdays, deaths, new-years, or any other symbolic day, only to talk ourselves out of it. Failure is cumulative and after awhile, we live with the weight of being resigned to the can. As time goes on, we've stolen time from our kids and families to feed our addiction. As you pointed out, we've stolen money to feed it as well. Nicotine does NOTHING for us, but delay withdrawal symptoms. That's it. That's what you've wasted $25K and your life for. I see you posted in January. Knock out that post first thing, Every Damn Day, and keep your promise. I encourage you to get in touch with the brothers and sisters in your group. Build a strong brotherhood and hold each other accountable. That's what we do here. Don't be afraid to step out of your comfort zone. Nicotine doesn't fight fair, so why should you?

Offline freeTB12

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Never going back
« on: October 02, 2016, 09:19:00 PM »
I don't know how many nights I've driven home from work and thrown my not empty tin out my driver side window only to buy a new one in the morning. I recently made it 18 hours then caved to the self talk that pouches aren't that bad. I've planned and plotted my exit for months and years. I used chew to quit smoking almost 10 years ago, I had been smoking for 5 so I'm coming up on almost two decades of tobacco use. In 2015 I found out I was having twins, my first children. I told myself I'd quit once I looked into their eyes, almost year later I'm still wasting my money but even worse, gambling my health and ultimately my life. Risking my life to line the pockets of rich men who made their fortune by addicting people to a plant. Spending $2500+ a year on something that doesn't even give me a buzz anymore, purely out of habit and addiction. I've easily spent $25,000 on chewing tobacco over the last decade, easily. I've never done that math until now and that's enough to make me quit right there. 25k in my children's college fund sounds good about now. 25k on an epic vacation for my family. 25k on home upgrades. 25k I've spit into a water bottle. Disgusting and pathetic. I apologize now if profanity is frowned upon but there aren't many words that get this point across. I'm 48 hours into my quit and I'm sure as fuck never going back. Don't be weak we can all quit.