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Offline ccauley86

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Re: My Quit
« Reply #29 on: December 22, 2013, 12:17:00 AM »
Hey man, I'm glad you came back and posted roll!

I hope that you can do better than posting once a week. It makes us all worry.

I'll PM my number and you can text me on days you can't post.


Offline humbledteacher

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Re: My Quit
« Reply #28 on: November 26, 2013, 05:24:00 PM »
Quote from: MTBkerJ
Hey Everyone. I'm a 29 year old father of incredible newborn twins and husband to an amazing wife. I'm a 16 year dipper and I'm ready to quit.

Dipping's always been a part of my life for as long as I can remember. It's with me all the time, everything in my life has been adjusted slightly to conform into the can's wants and needs. Well, that's about to change.

Over the years I've half heartedly attempted a couple of quits for other people. It's never stuck (not even close), but I've never honestly wanted to quit before.

This time it's for me. This time it's personal.

I love pushing myself as an athlete. I've mountain biked and cycled for the past decade but I've always wondered if there was more to my potential. I know that the nic in dip hurts my performance, but have never had the motivation to remove it from the equation.

This year however some great people have stepped up and really gotten behind me with support of my dreams as an athlete and I want to give them 100%. I know I can never say to myself in the end that I gave it my all if I continue to dip and put the nic and all the other chemicals into my body.

My quit is about living with no regrets. Giving it everything I have and beating this thing. Let's go.

I quit.
Hey bro--just wanted to say I'm with you! We will be March Brothers together at the end of this but for now, we'll take it one day at a time. Let's lead the pack to the March!
Quit Date: 11/23/13

Offline ParadigmDawg

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Re: My Quit
« Reply #27 on: November 26, 2013, 08:47:00 AM »
Quote from: MTBkerJ
Days 4-5, gets better every day.

Pedaled like a beast on both days. Crushing personal records like it's nobodies business. My breathing has always been something that I've struggled with on the bike, but I feel super clear and able to take deep fulfilling breaths. It's like I've been given a third lung lol. Pure oxygen to the muscles have me pushing harder than I ever thought possible. Being on the bike is so easy now, it's totally my shelter from any ill effects of my quit. I can be having the crappiest day ever and get on the bike and just be at peace. It's all the other times of the day that are tough still.

As the day is winding down, that's when the craves really hit. I'm surprised at how infrequently they've been hitting me, but they're strong. I maybe get four really intense craves a day now, vs seemingly endless craves within the first three days, that has gotten a LOT better.

The fog is still kicking my ass every day, although it seems to lift for short periods of time and it's amazing. I kind of imagine that this is what I'll feel like all the time as I progress further through my quit.

All in all, posting up here, reading the wisdom of those that have come before me, and seeing new quitters show up in the same position I was in 6 days ago (which seems like a LIFETIME now), really solidifies my quit every day.

Thank you to everyone, and keep on quittin on! 'oh yeah'
Take these good days and save them up as you are still going to hit a lot of really difficult days.

Dude, I was having a blast smashing PR's the first 20 to 40 days of my quit. Then I gained 13 lbs and got slow. I didn't think that was any big deal as I can diet with the best of them.

I started my diet and increased my training and quickly found out that I couldn't mentally diet and quit at the same time. I cancelled my Fall race series and just started riding for kicks. I actually really started enjoying my time on the bike again.

Pretty much all of the extra weight is off now...well....enough of it for this time of will be good until Base next season.
Oh little are so scary...F' OFF...!!!

Offline MTBkerJ

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Re: My Quit
« Reply #26 on: November 26, 2013, 07:53:00 AM »
Days 4-5, gets better every day.

Pedaled like a beast on both days. Crushing personal records like it's nobodies business. My breathing has always been something that I've struggled with on the bike, but I feel super clear and able to take deep fulfilling breaths. It's like I've been given a third lung lol. Pure oxygen to the muscles have me pushing harder than I ever thought possible. Being on the bike is so easy now, it's totally my shelter from any ill effects of my quit. I can be having the crappiest day ever and get on the bike and just be at peace. It's all the other times of the day that are tough still.

As the day is winding down, that's when the craves really hit. I'm surprised at how infrequently they've been hitting me, but they're strong. I maybe get four really intense craves a day now, vs seemingly endless craves within the first three days, that has gotten a LOT better.

The fog is still kicking my ass every day, although it seems to lift for short periods of time and it's amazing. I kind of imagine that this is what I'll feel like all the time as I progress further through my quit.

All in all, posting up here, reading the wisdom of those that have come before me, and seeing new quitters show up in the same position I was in 6 days ago (which seems like a LIFETIME now), really solidifies my quit every day.

Thank you to everyone, and keep on quittin on! 'oh yeah'

Offline ParadigmDawg

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Re: My Quit
« Reply #25 on: November 25, 2013, 09:47:00 AM »
Quote from: srans
Yesterday's mistake was not getting out of the house to exercise.
I myself exercise a lot and like to stay in shape. I also found it really hard during the first month or two of my quit. You will find if you just make the effort and push yourself out that door you will come around. The worst thing you can do is sit there and feel sorry for yourself my friend. Find as much to do as possible. Reed, exercise, walk, run. Start a project.

Let me guess, a lot of things you use to do with your precious good for nothing dirt. Well guess what!.!. It's time to start doing it without the dirt. You don't need it never did. You will find that everything you use to do with the poison, you can do it without. You will find that the poison never helped you with anything.

Get off the couch and get to living. Proud to be quit with you.
I had to stay in an overtrained state during my first couple of months quit just to keep my sanity.

Remember that day when I was grossly overtrained and I got dual quad cramps 3 or 4 miles from the trailhead?

Dual leg cramps felt better that the withdrawal's I was going through. That's just sick...
Oh little are so scary...F' OFF...!!!

Offline srans

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Re: My Quit
« Reply #24 on: November 25, 2013, 09:40:00 AM »
Yesterday's mistake was not getting out of the house to exercise.
I myself exercise a lot and like to stay in shape. I also found it really hard during the first month or two of my quit. You will find if you just make the effort and push yourself out that door you will come around. The worst thing you can do is sit there and feel sorry for yourself my friend. Find as much to do as possible. Reed, exercise, walk, run. Start a project.

Let me guess, a lot of things you use to do with your precious good for nothing dirt. Well guess what!.!. It's time to start doing it without the dirt. You don't need it never did. You will find that everything you use to do with the poison, you can do it without. You will find that the poison never helped you with anything.

Get off the couch and get to living. Proud to be quit with you.
Hof date may 25, 2013
HoF Speech

The poison sucks. I hate it. I hated it this morning, I hated it at noon, I hated it at supper and I hate it tonight. I enjoy hating it so much I'm going to wake up tomorrow and start over hating it. I quit with anyone that wants to hate it with me.

Offline ParadigmDawg

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Re: My Quit
« Reply #23 on: November 25, 2013, 09:25:00 AM »
Quote from: GeorgeHayduke
Quote from: MTBkerJ
Quote from: Grizzfall
Quote from: ParadigmDawg
Quote from: Grizzfall
Quote from: MTBkerJ
Wow yesterday sucked big time, but I made it through to day 3!!

Yesterday's mistake was not getting out of the house to exercise.  I definitely needed to go pedal or for a run or something.  I just couldn't bring myself to do it... felt like a zombie all day...  'zombie'

Posted up roll, which I will continue to do every day, and it truly is the nail in the coffin on the decision to stay quit for the day.  Makes it much easier to resist the temptation.

Definitely going for a pedal today and hoping it will ease the fog/depression/anger/funk a little.

Thanks again for all the support everyone!
Hey there quitter. I ride myself. You know that feeling of a super long climb where you're never above 4-5 gear and you start thinking, "why am i doing this, and wtf...this is supposed to be fun." The climb keeps going and going and going. And your legs have nothing left. And your lungs scream. You know what im talking about.
That is your current state of quitting.
Now, you know that point at the top of the climb when the downhill starts. Yeah, thats my favorite part too.
That is where your quit is going.
If you think of this little biking analogy to quitting it will help put the whole thing in perspective. Keep strong today cause tomorrow it will be better.


PS: I am in bufflo NY and we have snow on the ground. Where the hell are you riding this time of year? Shit we drive to cleveland to go to Ray's indoor MTB park. Check that out sometime.
Please don't talk about riding yourself...this is a kid friendly forum..... :o
Do you think folks who use other languages or picture characters have these prolems? English is a bitch. Its easy to change meanings in the written form.
I myself, ride a bike. I ride a bike myself. I ride a bike by myself. Myself rides a bike. Myself rides by myself. Myself and I ride. I ride myself.
Hey speaking of riding.

Just got back from a 20 miler. Now I'm in day 3 so the nic is just about out of my system completely, and I have to say I'm pretty astonished. I ride using a power meter so as you bike guys know, there's no BSing the power meter, it let's you know EXACTLY how much work you're doing (or not doing). Long story short, I was floored at the results today.

On a ride that was nothing special, about an hour in the saddle, charging some short hills here and there, cruising in between them, I managed to record my best ever average power for a ride by 20 watts over my previous best! I was completely floored, and pretty pissed off, that I let this stupid addiction rule over and hamper my athletic life for over a decade.

Stupid nic! 'FU'
Looks like we got some rider quitters here and glad to be part of it. Snow here as well near Albany NY. Ended up in spinning class this am but want some real MTB riding. This quit is the death march climb but nothing feels better than making it to the top and enjoying the view. Let's kill this nic bitch and hope we can enjoy a ride together.
Bad weather here too. I actually went to the gym yesterday and did the Elliptical and then worked legs. It was a toss up on which I hated worse, road biking in the cold or working out indoors.

Great job MTB, I told you you would see quick gains.

I'm going to go ride myself before Grizz tries to ride me...... :wub:
Oh little are so scary...F' OFF...!!!

Offline georgehayduke

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Re: My Quit
« Reply #22 on: November 24, 2013, 11:54:00 PM »
Quote from: MTBkerJ
Quote from: Grizzfall
Quote from: ParadigmDawg
Quote from: Grizzfall
Quote from: MTBkerJ
Wow yesterday sucked big time, but I made it through to day 3!!

Yesterday's mistake was not getting out of the house to exercise.  I definitely needed to go pedal or for a run or something.  I just couldn't bring myself to do it... felt like a zombie all day...  'zombie'

Posted up roll, which I will continue to do every day, and it truly is the nail in the coffin on the decision to stay quit for the day.  Makes it much easier to resist the temptation.

Definitely going for a pedal today and hoping it will ease the fog/depression/anger/funk a little.

Thanks again for all the support everyone!
Hey there quitter. I ride myself. You know that feeling of a super long climb where you're never above 4-5 gear and you start thinking, "why am i doing this, and wtf...this is supposed to be fun." The climb keeps going and going and going. And your legs have nothing left. And your lungs scream. You know what im talking about.
That is your current state of quitting.
Now, you know that point at the top of the climb when the downhill starts. Yeah, thats my favorite part too.
That is where your quit is going.
If you think of this little biking analogy to quitting it will help put the whole thing in perspective. Keep strong today cause tomorrow it will be better.


PS: I am in bufflo NY and we have snow on the ground. Where the hell are you riding this time of year? Shit we drive to cleveland to go to Ray's indoor MTB park. Check that out sometime.
Please don't talk about riding yourself...this is a kid friendly forum..... :o
Do you think folks who use other languages or picture characters have these prolems? English is a bitch. Its easy to change meanings in the written form.
I myself, ride a bike. I ride a bike myself. I ride a bike by myself. Myself rides a bike. Myself rides by myself. Myself and I ride. I ride myself.
Hey speaking of riding.

Just got back from a 20 miler. Now I'm in day 3 so the nic is just about out of my system completely, and I have to say I'm pretty astonished. I ride using a power meter so as you bike guys know, there's no BSing the power meter, it let's you know EXACTLY how much work you're doing (or not doing). Long story short, I was floored at the results today.

On a ride that was nothing special, about an hour in the saddle, charging some short hills here and there, cruising in between them, I managed to record my best ever average power for a ride by 20 watts over my previous best! I was completely floored, and pretty pissed off, that I let this stupid addiction rule over and hamper my athletic life for over a decade.

Stupid nic! 'FU'
Looks like we got some rider quitters here and glad to be part of it. Snow here as well near Albany NY. Ended up in spinning class this am but want some real MTB riding. This quit is the death march climb but nothing feels better than making it to the top and enjoying the view. Let's kill this nic bitch and hope we can enjoy a ride together.

Offline MTBkerJ

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Re: My Quit
« Reply #21 on: November 24, 2013, 06:01:00 PM »
Quote from: Grizzfall
Quote from: ParadigmDawg
Quote from: Grizzfall
Quote from: MTBkerJ
Wow yesterday sucked big time, but I made it through to day 3!!

Yesterday's mistake was not getting out of the house to exercise.  I definitely needed to go pedal or for a run or something.  I just couldn't bring myself to do it... felt like a zombie all day...  'zombie'

Posted up roll, which I will continue to do every day, and it truly is the nail in the coffin on the decision to stay quit for the day.  Makes it much easier to resist the temptation.

Definitely going for a pedal today and hoping it will ease the fog/depression/anger/funk a little.

Thanks again for all the support everyone!
Hey there quitter. I ride myself. You know that feeling of a super long climb where you're never above 4-5 gear and you start thinking, "why am i doing this, and wtf...this is supposed to be fun." The climb keeps going and going and going. And your legs have nothing left. And your lungs scream. You know what im talking about.
That is your current state of quitting.
Now, you know that point at the top of the climb when the downhill starts. Yeah, thats my favorite part too.
That is where your quit is going.
If you think of this little biking analogy to quitting it will help put the whole thing in perspective. Keep strong today cause tomorrow it will be better.


PS: I am in bufflo NY and we have snow on the ground. Where the hell are you riding this time of year? Shit we drive to cleveland to go to Ray's indoor MTB park. Check that out sometime.
Please don't talk about riding yourself...this is a kid friendly forum..... :o
Do you think folks who use other languages or picture characters have these prolems? English is a bitch. Its easy to change meanings in the written form.
I myself, ride a bike. I ride a bike myself. I ride a bike by myself. Myself rides a bike. Myself rides by myself. Myself and I ride. I ride myself.
Hey speaking of riding.

Just got back from a 20 miler. Now I'm in day 3 so the nic is just about out of my system completely, and I have to say I'm pretty astonished. I ride using a power meter so as you bike guys know, there's no BSing the power meter, it let's you know EXACTLY how much work you're doing (or not doing). Long story short, I was floored at the results today.

On a ride that was nothing special, about an hour in the saddle, charging some short hills here and there, cruising in between them, I managed to record my best ever average power for a ride by 20 watts over my previous best! I was completely floored, and pretty pissed off, that I let this stupid addiction rule over and hamper my athletic life for over a decade.

Stupid nic! 'FU'

Offline Grizzfall

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Re: My Quit
« Reply #20 on: November 24, 2013, 02:45:00 PM »
Quote from: ParadigmDawg
Quote from: Grizzfall
Quote from: MTBkerJ
Wow yesterday sucked big time, but I made it through to day 3!!

Yesterday's mistake was not getting out of the house to exercise.  I definitely needed to go pedal or for a run or something.  I just couldn't bring myself to do it... felt like a zombie all day...  'zombie'

Posted up roll, which I will continue to do every day, and it truly is the nail in the coffin on the decision to stay quit for the day.  Makes it much easier to resist the temptation.

Definitely going for a pedal today and hoping it will ease the fog/depression/anger/funk a little.

Thanks again for all the support everyone!
Hey there quitter. I ride myself. You know that feeling of a super long climb where you're never above 4-5 gear and you start thinking, "why am i doing this, and wtf...this is supposed to be fun." The climb keeps going and going and going. And your legs have nothing left. And your lungs scream. You know what im talking about.
That is your current state of quitting.
Now, you know that point at the top of the climb when the downhill starts. Yeah, thats my favorite part too.
That is where your quit is going.
If you think of this little biking analogy to quitting it will help put the whole thing in perspective. Keep strong today cause tomorrow it will be better.


PS: I am in bufflo NY and we have snow on the ground. Where the hell are you riding this time of year? Shit we drive to cleveland to go to Ray's indoor MTB park. Check that out sometime.
Please don't talk about riding yourself...this is a kid friendly forum..... :o
Do you think folks who use other languages or picture characters have these prolems? English is a bitch. Its easy to change meanings in the written form.
I myself, ride a bike. I ride a bike myself. I ride a bike by myself. Myself rides a bike. Myself rides by myself. Myself and I ride. I ride myself.
"This personal torture has a good ending right?"

Offline ParadigmDawg

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Re: My Quit
« Reply #19 on: November 24, 2013, 02:10:00 PM »
Quote from: Grizzfall
Quote from: MTBkerJ
Wow yesterday sucked big time, but I made it through to day 3!!

Yesterday's mistake was not getting out of the house to exercise.  I definitely needed to go pedal or for a run or something.  I just couldn't bring myself to do it... felt like a zombie all day...  'zombie'

Posted up roll, which I will continue to do every day, and it truly is the nail in the coffin on the decision to stay quit for the day.  Makes it much easier to resist the temptation.

Definitely going for a pedal today and hoping it will ease the fog/depression/anger/funk a little.

Thanks again for all the support everyone!
Hey there quitter. I ride myself. You know that feeling of a super long climb where you're never above 4-5 gear and you start thinking, "why am i doing this, and wtf...this is supposed to be fun." The climb keeps going and going and going. And your legs have nothing left. And your lungs scream. You know what im talking about.
That is your current state of quitting.
Now, you know that point at the top of the climb when the downhill starts. Yeah, thats my favorite part too.
That is where your quit is going.
If you think of this little biking analogy to quitting it will help put the whole thing in perspective. Keep strong today cause tomorrow it will be better.


PS: I am in bufflo NY and we have snow on the ground. Where the hell are you riding this time of year? Shit we drive to cleveland to go to Ray's indoor MTB park. Check that out sometime.
Please don't talk about riding yourself...this is a kid friendly forum..... :o
Oh little are so scary...F' OFF...!!!

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Re: My Quit
« Reply #18 on: November 24, 2013, 11:26:00 AM »
Quote from: MTBkerJ
Wow yesterday sucked big time, but I made it through to day 3!!

Yesterday's mistake was not getting out of the house to exercise. I definitely needed to go pedal or for a run or something. I just couldn't bring myself to do it... felt like a zombie all day... 'zombie'

Posted up roll, which I will continue to do every day, and it truly is the nail in the coffin on the decision to stay quit for the day. Makes it much easier to resist the temptation.

Definitely going for a pedal today and hoping it will ease the fog/depression/anger/funk a little.

Thanks again for all the support everyone!
Hey there quitter. I ride myself. You know that feeling of a super long climb where you're never above 4-5 gear and you start thinking, "why am i doing this, and wtf...this is supposed to be fun." The climb keeps going and going and going. And your legs have nothing left. And your lungs scream. You know what im talking about.
That is your current state of quitting.
Now, you know that point at the top of the climb when the downhill starts. Yeah, thats my favorite part too.
That is where your quit is going.
If you think of this little biking analogy to quitting it will help put the whole thing in perspective. Keep strong today cause tomorrow it will be better.


PS: I am in bufflo NY and we have snow on the ground. Where the hell are you riding this time of year? Shit we drive to cleveland to go to Ray's indoor MTB park. Check that out sometime.
"This personal torture has a good ending right?"

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Re: My Quit
« Reply #17 on: November 24, 2013, 11:01:00 AM »
That a way to be a quitter. That "suck" sucks huh? I know, as I tried to sleep it off for 3 days. Kept hitting these deep micro sleeps that would only last about 10 minutes. Wow, but they were good. It gets better, it gets bad again, and then better. Back and forth IS WHAT I HAVE EXPERIENCED IN 3 weeks.

Offline MTBkerJ

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Re: My Quit
« Reply #16 on: November 24, 2013, 10:33:00 AM »
Wow yesterday sucked big time, but I made it through to day 3!!

Yesterday's mistake was not getting out of the house to exercise. I definitely needed to go pedal or for a run or something. I just couldn't bring myself to do it... felt like a zombie all day... 'zombie'

Posted up roll, which I will continue to do every day, and it truly is the nail in the coffin on the decision to stay quit for the day. Makes it much easier to resist the temptation.

Definitely going for a pedal today and hoping it will ease the fog/depression/anger/funk a little.

Thanks again for all the support everyone!

Offline ParadigmDawg

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Re: My Quit
« Reply #15 on: November 24, 2013, 08:24:00 AM »
Day 3 brother, are you here?
Oh little are so scary...F' OFF...!!!