Author Topic: My Quit  (Read 5635 times)

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Offline georgehayduke

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Re: My Quit
« Reply #14 on: November 23, 2013, 10:27:00 PM »
Welcome to the best decision of your life. I am also a relatively new quitter, Day 18, with similar background, just a little later getting to the quit. Love mountain biking and the thrill of a post-ride dip was always great. But you know what, the ride is what was great, not the dip. I haven't ridden in years, but this quit is getting me pumped up to get back into shape.

Newborn twins! Enjoy every minute. My girls seem to grow so fast, 9 and 11 now. Trying to get them into mountain biking, big presents for this X-Mas.

I am here to support you. Definitely post roll every day. I'll be looking for you. And PM me and we'll exchange numbers to help support each other. It's all about accountability here and it works! There first few days are the hardest. It gets a little easier every day, but the draw of nicotine does not go away lightly. Fake chew, seeds, gum, whatever it takes. Just don't try Nicotine gum, it ruined my last self-try quit many years ago.


Offline Bluetiereign

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Re: My Quit
« Reply #13 on: November 23, 2013, 11:48:00 AM »
Quote from: MTBkerJ
Hey Everyone. I'm a 29 year old father of incredible newborn twins and husband to an amazing wife. I'm a 16 year dipper and I'm ready to quit.....

My quit is about living with no regrets. Giving it everything I have and beating this thing. Let's go.

I quit.
Great decision. Good luck. You definitely won't regret quitting.
Quit Date : July 17, 2008
My First Roll Call
2000 Days: : Jan 7, 2014
Knowledge is Power

Offline Jlud007

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Re: My Quit
« Reply #12 on: November 23, 2013, 10:14:00 AM »
Quote from: ParadigmDawg
Quote from: MTBkerJ
Quote from: ParadigmDawg
Man, wait and see the changes in your HR Zones and recovery, you are going to dig it.

Now for several weeks, you are going to feel like you are about to die. The only time I felt good was on my bike and severely over-trained.

Find my intro and read it.

Get ready for a fight, it's a very difficult one. The good news is the fact that you are used to suffering, that is huge for the first 30 days.

I quit with you.

That is so wild that you mention feeling good on the bike. I've felt like ass all day today except the couple of hours I spent pedaling. At that time I felt just like I always do... hurting lol.

Thanks for the kind words man. I'm definitely going to read up on your intro as well as many others.
It's day two!!!!!

Man, I would feel like I was going to die and would force myself on the bike and besides the early on feeling of floating above my bike, my rides were great.

I smashed several PR's during the first 60 days or so of my quit.

Somewhere along the way, I gained 13 lbs too. That slowed me right down but you know what? I freaking quit dipping.

You know the old saying we use of "It never gets easier, you just get faster"? Well thank God, that your quit does get a lot easier and it is relatively quick. Sure 60-120 days seems like a long time but it really isn't.
Yeah buddy, Day 2... balls deep in the suck!

Remember MT ... it will get better and relish this feeling now because you'll never have to do it again unless you choose to cave. Keep choosing quit, one day at a time man and before long you'll be feeling great!

Quit with you today!

Offline ParadigmDawg

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Re: My Quit
« Reply #11 on: November 23, 2013, 09:34:00 AM »
Quote from: MTBkerJ
Quote from: ParadigmDawg
Man, wait and see the changes in your HR Zones and recovery, you are going to dig it.

Now for several weeks, you are going to feel like you are about to die. The only time I felt good was on my bike and severely over-trained.

Find my intro and read it.

Get ready for a fight, it's a very difficult one. The good news is the fact that you are used to suffering, that is huge for the first 30 days.

I quit with you.

That is so wild that you mention feeling good on the bike. I've felt like ass all day today except the couple of hours I spent pedaling. At that time I felt just like I always do... hurting lol.

Thanks for the kind words man. I'm definitely going to read up on your intro as well as many others.
It's day two!!!!!

Man, I would feel like I was going to die and would force myself on the bike and besides the early on feeling of floating above my bike, my rides were great.

I smashed several PR's during the first 60 days or so of my quit.

Somewhere along the way, I gained 13 lbs too. That slowed me right down but you know what? I freaking quit dipping.

You know the old saying we use of "It never gets easier, you just get faster"? Well thank God, that your quit does get a lot easier and it is relatively quick. Sure 60-120 days seems like a long time but it really isn't.
Oh little are so scary...F' OFF...!!!

Offline wmcatty

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Re: My Quit
« Reply #10 on: November 22, 2013, 11:08:00 PM »
Welcome to KTC MTBker. Congratulations on posting your Day 1 with March, 2014 today. As you are well aware, posting roll is the pinnacle of our quit each day. Each day we make a promise to ourselves and our KTC brothers that we will not use nicotine in any form that day. We post that for all to see in our respective quit group and as supporters of any other quit group we chose to support. We take that promise seriously. We go to work, take care of our family, go to sleep, wake up and do it all over. Simple. But we are only as good as our promise, but as men of honor, we make that promise whole hearedly. This is how we account for our actions that day. When we dont post roll, our fellow quit brothers notice and start sending out texts and telephone calls wanting to know what the hell is going on and why we failed to post up for that day. We call that brotherhood. That is also the reason we get and exchange telephone numbers. Please look up at the top right of this screen and you will see Inbox(1). That is a message from me with my cell number. I would request that you call me with any questions or problems you have. You should also use it to vent or rage if you need to...better me than than that amazing wife of yours. Welcome aboard. Wayne
"Life's tough......It's even tougher if you're stupid."
-John Wayne

Offline Dave1903

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Re: My Quit
« Reply #9 on: November 22, 2013, 10:00:00 PM »
Quote from: MTBkerJ
Quote from: Mthomas3824
Quote from: MTBkerJ
Hey Everyone.  I'm a 29 year old father of incredible newborn twins and husband to an amazing wife.  I'm a 16 year dipper and I'm ready to quit.

Dipping's always been a part of my life for as long as I can remember.  It's with me all the time, everything in my life has been adjusted slightly to conform into the can's wants and needs.  Well, that's about to change.

Over the years I've half heartedly attempted a couple of quits for other people.  It's never stuck (not even close), but I've never honestly wanted to quit before.

This time it's for me.  This time it's personal.

I love pushing myself as an athlete.  I've mountain biked and cycled for the past decade but I've always wondered if there was more to my potential.  I know that the nic in dip hurts my performance, but have never had the motivation to remove it from the equation.

This year however some great people have stepped up and really gotten behind me with support of my dreams as an athlete and I want to give them 100%.  I know I can never say to myself in the end that I gave it my all if I continue to dip and put the nic and all the other chemicals into my body.

My quit is about living with no regrets.  Giving it everything I have and beating this thing.  Let's go.

I quit.
Welcome to hell and a war!

Not sure if you posted or not.

Are you quit today? No nic whatsoever? No cig, snuss, gum, patches etc.? None in your mouth, lungs, nose, ears or bumb?

Nic free and quit cold turkey. No stash in the house, no can on the dresser to test your willpower. Right?

If you are quit cold turkey, get over to the March roll call and post your day 1!

Welcome center training 101

here is a link to your group this is your roll. Everyday, you post your name and the number of days you are quit. March 2014

Lots to learn. Start at the welcome center and post roll now. Good to have a quitter with us. You can do this if you don't alter anything. Follow the plan and you will not fail.
Also to clarify I'm 100% nic free today. I woke up and threw in some fake chew that I ordered the other day.

I've been on the site for 4-5 days now kind of planning this out. I made sure I got the fake chew first, and HOLY CRAP it is a game changer. No clue how someone can quit without it. It's just the whole going through the motions thing. The pack, the pinch, etc.

Just taking it a day at a time as I've read a lot of the info/experiences/lessons that everyone has offered, and that is a reoccurring theme. I just want to get to tomorrow morning so I can post my "Day 2".
Post roll everyday and all of us together can quit the nic the bitch one day at a time
The nic is a bitch, but it's gone one day at a time.

Offline MTBkerJ

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Re: My Quit
« Reply #8 on: November 22, 2013, 05:51:00 PM »
Quote from: Mthomas3824
Quote from: MTBkerJ
Hey Everyone.  I'm a 29 year old father of incredible newborn twins and husband to an amazing wife.  I'm a 16 year dipper and I'm ready to quit.

Dipping's always been a part of my life for as long as I can remember.  It's with me all the time, everything in my life has been adjusted slightly to conform into the can's wants and needs.  Well, that's about to change.

Over the years I've half heartedly attempted a couple of quits for other people.  It's never stuck (not even close), but I've never honestly wanted to quit before.

This time it's for me.  This time it's personal.

I love pushing myself as an athlete.  I've mountain biked and cycled for the past decade but I've always wondered if there was more to my potential.  I know that the nic in dip hurts my performance, but have never had the motivation to remove it from the equation.

This year however some great people have stepped up and really gotten behind me with support of my dreams as an athlete and I want to give them 100%.  I know I can never say to myself in the end that I gave it my all if I continue to dip and put the nic and all the other chemicals into my body.

My quit is about living with no regrets.  Giving it everything I have and beating this thing.  Let's go.

I quit.
Welcome to hell and a war!

Not sure if you posted or not.

Are you quit today? No nic whatsoever? No cig, snuss, gum, patches etc.? None in your mouth, lungs, nose, ears or bumb?

Nic free and quit cold turkey. No stash in the house, no can on the dresser to test your willpower. Right?

If you are quit cold turkey, get over to the March roll call and post your day 1!

Welcome center training 101

here is a link to your group this is your roll. Everyday, you post your name and the number of days you are quit. March 2014

Lots to learn. Start at the welcome center and post roll now. Good to have a quitter with us. You can do this if you don't alter anything. Follow the plan and you will not fail.
Also to clarify I'm 100% nic free today. I woke up and threw in some fake chew that I ordered the other day.

I've been on the site for 4-5 days now kind of planning this out. I made sure I got the fake chew first, and HOLY CRAP it is a game changer. No clue how someone can quit without it. It's just the whole going through the motions thing. The pack, the pinch, etc.

Just taking it a day at a time as I've read a lot of the info/experiences/lessons that everyone has offered, and that is a reoccurring theme. I just want to get to tomorrow morning so I can post my "Day 2".

Offline MTBkerJ

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Re: My Quit
« Reply #7 on: November 22, 2013, 05:43:00 PM »
Quote from: ParadigmDawg
Man, wait and see the changes in your HR Zones and recovery, you are going to dig it.

Now for several weeks, you are going to feel like you are about to die. The only time I felt good was on my bike and severely over-trained.

Find my intro and read it.

Get ready for a fight, it's a very difficult one. The good news is the fact that you are used to suffering, that is huge for the first 30 days.

I quit with you.

That is so wild that you mention feeling good on the bike. I've felt like ass all day today except the couple of hours I spent pedaling. At that time I felt just like I always do... hurting lol.

Thanks for the kind words man. I'm definitely going to read up on your intro as well as many others.

Offline ParadigmDawg

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Re: My Quit
« Reply #6 on: November 22, 2013, 02:00:00 PM »
Man, wait and see the changes in your HR Zones and recovery, you are going to dig it.

Now for several weeks, you are going to feel like you are about to die. The only time I felt good was on my bike and severely over-trained.

Find my intro and read it.

Get ready for a fight, it's a very difficult one. The good news is the fact that you are used to suffering, that is huge for the first 30 days.

I quit with you.

Oh little are so scary...F' OFF...!!!

Offline Scowick65

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Re: My Quit
« Reply #5 on: November 22, 2013, 01:54:00 PM »
Quote from: traumagnet
Quote from: Pinched
Quote from: Mthomas3824
Quote from: MTBkerJ
Hey Everyone.  I'm a 29 year old father of incredible newborn twins and husband to an amazing wife.  I'm a 16 year dipper and I'm ready to quit.

Dipping's always been a part of my life for as long as I can remember.  It's with me all the time, everything in my life has been adjusted slightly to conform into the can's wants and needs.  Well, that's about to change.

Over the years I've half heartedly attempted a couple of quits for other people.  It's never stuck (not even close), but I've never honestly wanted to quit before.

This time it's for me.  This time it's personal.

I love pushing myself as an athlete.  I've mountain biked and cycled for the past decade but I've always wondered if there was more to my potential.  I know that the nic in dip hurts my performance, but have never had the motivation to remove it from the equation.

This year however some great people have stepped up and really gotten behind me with support of my dreams as an athlete and I want to give them 100%.  I know I can never say to myself in the end that I gave it my all if I continue to dip and put the nic and all the other chemicals into my body.

My quit is about living with no regrets.  Giving it everything I have and beating this thing.  Let's go.

I quit.
Welcome to hell and a war!

Not sure if you posted or not.

Are you quit today? No nic whatsoever? No cig, snuss, gum, patches etc.? None in your mouth, lungs, nose, ears or bumb?

Nic free and quit cold turkey. No stash in the house, no can on the dresser to test your willpower. Right?

If you are quit cold turkey, get over to the March roll call and post your day 1!

Welcome center training 101

here is a link to your group this is your roll. Everyday, you post your name and the number of days you are quit. March 2014

Lots to learn. Start at the welcome center and post roll now. Good to have a quitter with us. You can do this if you don't alter anything. Follow the plan and you will not fail.
Head this man's advice! Read all that you can, prepare for daily battles and quit like a beast daily.

Post Roll daily. This is your promise to stay quit, understand that KTC is all about brotherhood and Accountability. Make sure that these words mean something to you. Also understand that all of us quitters care so when a cave happens people will take that shit personally. We invest time into people and the quit groups are like tight families of quit.

Finally, I recommend that you find an alternative, fake dip, candy, gum, mints, etc. Drink lots of water, so much that you cannot pass a bathroom without having to piss.

Let's do this Mountain Biker,

Not much to add accept read read read and arm yourself with info about our enemy she is as sneaky as the day is long.

Paradigm Dawg and you have something in common he is a cyclist too. Hit him up.

need anything PM me

Offline traumagnet

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Re: My Quit
« Reply #4 on: November 22, 2013, 01:37:00 PM »
Quote from: Pinched
Quote from: Mthomas3824
Quote from: MTBkerJ
Hey Everyone.  I'm a 29 year old father of incredible newborn twins and husband to an amazing wife.  I'm a 16 year dipper and I'm ready to quit.

Dipping's always been a part of my life for as long as I can remember.  It's with me all the time, everything in my life has been adjusted slightly to conform into the can's wants and needs.  Well, that's about to change.

Over the years I've half heartedly attempted a couple of quits for other people.  It's never stuck (not even close), but I've never honestly wanted to quit before.

This time it's for me.  This time it's personal.

I love pushing myself as an athlete.  I've mountain biked and cycled for the past decade but I've always wondered if there was more to my potential.  I know that the nic in dip hurts my performance, but have never had the motivation to remove it from the equation.

This year however some great people have stepped up and really gotten behind me with support of my dreams as an athlete and I want to give them 100%.  I know I can never say to myself in the end that I gave it my all if I continue to dip and put the nic and all the other chemicals into my body.

My quit is about living with no regrets.  Giving it everything I have and beating this thing.  Let's go.

I quit.
Welcome to hell and a war!

Not sure if you posted or not.

Are you quit today? No nic whatsoever? No cig, snuss, gum, patches etc.? None in your mouth, lungs, nose, ears or bumb?

Nic free and quit cold turkey. No stash in the house, no can on the dresser to test your willpower. Right?

If you are quit cold turkey, get over to the March roll call and post your day 1!

Welcome center training 101

here is a link to your group this is your roll. Everyday, you post your name and the number of days you are quit. March 2014

Lots to learn. Start at the welcome center and post roll now. Good to have a quitter with us. You can do this if you don't alter anything. Follow the plan and you will not fail.
Head this man's advice! Read all that you can, prepare for daily battles and quit like a beast daily.

Post Roll daily. This is your promise to stay quit, understand that KTC is all about brotherhood and Accountability. Make sure that these words mean something to you. Also understand that all of us quitters care so when a cave happens people will take that shit personally. We invest time into people and the quit groups are like tight families of quit.

Finally, I recommend that you find an alternative, fake dip, candy, gum, mints, etc. Drink lots of water, so much that you cannot pass a bathroom without having to piss.

Let's do this Mountain Biker,

Not much to add accept read read read and arm yourself with info about our enemy she is as sneaky as the day is long.

Paradigm Dawg and you have something in common he is a cyclist too. Hit him up.

need anything PM me
Complacency sucks, one moment of it is the difference between being a user and a quitter....OIB

"Lean into the fall my friends, life can be amazing without nicotine. It's just a matter of choice." sM

"Endeavor to persevere."Chief Dan George "The Outlaw Josey Wales".

MY HOF speech

Offline Pinched

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Re: My Quit
« Reply #3 on: November 22, 2013, 12:09:00 PM »
Quote from: Mthomas3824
Quote from: MTBkerJ
Hey Everyone.  I'm a 29 year old father of incredible newborn twins and husband to an amazing wife.  I'm a 16 year dipper and I'm ready to quit.

Dipping's always been a part of my life for as long as I can remember.  It's with me all the time, everything in my life has been adjusted slightly to conform into the can's wants and needs.  Well, that's about to change.

Over the years I've half heartedly attempted a couple of quits for other people.  It's never stuck (not even close), but I've never honestly wanted to quit before.

This time it's for me.  This time it's personal.

I love pushing myself as an athlete.  I've mountain biked and cycled for the past decade but I've always wondered if there was more to my potential.  I know that the nic in dip hurts my performance, but have never had the motivation to remove it from the equation.

This year however some great people have stepped up and really gotten behind me with support of my dreams as an athlete and I want to give them 100%.  I know I can never say to myself in the end that I gave it my all if I continue to dip and put the nic and all the other chemicals into my body.

My quit is about living with no regrets.  Giving it everything I have and beating this thing.  Let's go.

I quit.
Welcome to hell and a war!

Not sure if you posted or not.

Are you quit today? No nic whatsoever? No cig, snuss, gum, patches etc.? None in your mouth, lungs, nose, ears or bumb?

Nic free and quit cold turkey. No stash in the house, no can on the dresser to test your willpower. Right?

If you are quit cold turkey, get over to the March roll call and post your day 1!

Welcome center training 101

here is a link to your group this is your roll. Everyday, you post your name and the number of days you are quit. March 2014

Lots to learn. Start at the welcome center and post roll now. Good to have a quitter with us. You can do this if you don't alter anything. Follow the plan and you will not fail.
Head this man's advice! Read all that you can, prepare for daily battles and quit like a beast daily.

Post Roll daily. This is your promise to stay quit, understand that KTC is all about brotherhood and Accountability. Make sure that these words mean something to you. Also understand that all of us quitters care so when a cave happens people will take that shit personally. We invest time into people and the quit groups are like tight families of quit.

Finally, I recommend that you find an alternative, fake dip, candy, gum, mints, etc. Drink lots of water, so much that you cannot pass a bathroom without having to piss.

Let's do this Mountain Biker,

"If you want to quit then stop talking and just QUIT. If you want to kill yourself a bullet is cheaper and faster than a tin, plus it eliminates my hearing you whine and cry like a bitch."

Best thing I have read on KTC...Submitted by tgafish on 7/3/14

Former Skoal Straight and Cope Longcut user that started at the age of 12. QUIT on 7/15/13

Offline Mthomas3824

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Re: My Quit
« Reply #2 on: November 22, 2013, 11:59:00 AM »
Quote from: MTBkerJ
Hey Everyone.  I'm a 29 year old father of incredible newborn twins and husband to an amazing wife.  I'm a 16 year dipper and I'm ready to quit.

Dipping's always been a part of my life for as long as I can remember.  It's with me all the time, everything in my life has been adjusted slightly to conform into the can's wants and needs.  Well, that's about to change.

Over the years I've half heartedly attempted a couple of quits for other people.  It's never stuck (not even close), but I've never honestly wanted to quit before.

This time it's for me.  This time it's personal.

I love pushing myself as an athlete.  I've mountain biked and cycled for the past decade but I've always wondered if there was more to my potential.  I know that the nic in dip hurts my performance, but have never had the motivation to remove it from the equation.

This year however some great people have stepped up and really gotten behind me with support of my dreams as an athlete and I want to give them 100%.  I know I can never say to myself in the end that I gave it my all if I continue to dip and put the nic and all the other chemicals into my body.

My quit is about living with no regrets.  Giving it everything I have and beating this thing.  Let's go.

I quit.
Welcome to hell and a war!

Not sure if you posted or not.

Are you quit today? No nic whatsoever? No cig, snuss, gum, patches etc.? None in your mouth, lungs, nose, ears or bumb?

Nic free and quit cold turkey. No stash in the house, no can on the dresser to test your willpower. Right?

If you are quit cold turkey, get over to the March roll call and post your day 1!

Welcome center training 101

here is a link to your group this is your roll. Everyday, you post your name and the number of days you are quit. March 2014

Lots to learn. Start at the welcome center and post roll now. Good to have a quitter with us. You can do this if you don't alter anything. Follow the plan and you will not fail.
Quit And Be Free

HOF Speech

Offline MTBkerJ

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My Quit
« on: November 22, 2013, 11:50:00 AM »
Hey Everyone. I'm a 29 year old father of incredible newborn twins and husband to an amazing wife. I'm a 16 year dipper and I'm ready to quit.

Dipping's always been a part of my life for as long as I can remember. It's with me all the time, everything in my life has been adjusted slightly to conform into the can's wants and needs. Well, that's about to change.

Over the years I've half heartedly attempted a couple of quits for other people. It's never stuck (not even close), but I've never honestly wanted to quit before.

This time it's for me. This time it's personal.

I love pushing myself as an athlete. I've mountain biked and cycled for the past decade but I've always wondered if there was more to my potential. I know that the nic in dip hurts my performance, but have never had the motivation to remove it from the equation.

This year however some great people have stepped up and really gotten behind me with support of my dreams as an athlete and I want to give them 100%. I know I can never say to myself in the end that I gave it my all if I continue to dip and put the nic and all the other chemicals into my body.

My quit is about living with no regrets. Giving it everything I have and beating this thing. Let's go.

I quit.