I'm 47 and have been dipping since I was around 14. Every time I try and quit, dipping is so much a part of me that I really struggle. I quit for about a two year period when I was 35, but other than that it has been dip during all waking hours. Most of the time it was Cope, Skoal, Kodiak, but recently it was pouches, which seamed to help my throat a lot, but not the other issues from the nicotine.
I read a lot about nicotine levels and started to use Skoal Bandits, which was a smaller amount of nicotine and for me it was the best of both worlds. I had some chew satisfaction, and health wise I still felt a lot better. Problem is, Bandits are not popular, and few places carry them. I then thought, no problem, I'll just order online, but then found out about the recent restrictions in 2010 law making it a lot harder. So everytime I would run out of Bandits, I would buy stronger pouches, and BAMMMM full fledged addiction again and then have to repeat the whole $*#$# thing again.
About a month ago I quit dip coming back from a fishing trip cold turkey in the car. I made it to day 19, but then caved, because I was starting to do some things with my life that I didnt think would be good for me. Well after 2 days of pouches, BAAAMMMM full fledged addiction again.
Well I found the killthecan site and started reading, because I really want to quit, and found the description of what the first 100 days look like and it was helpful for me to see that others go through the HORRIBLE feelings that I go through when I try and quit. This is no doubt the hardest thing I have done, failed to do, and am trying again to do.
Now I am on re-do day #2 and my arms feel like they are going to fly off my body. The feeling of the nerves from my elbows to my fingers is about ready to drive me crazy. I know a couple more days and it will be ok, but this feeling is the worst and just needed a quick vent.
Anyway, looks like a good site and glad I found it. I think it will help me stay sane.