Hello all,
I just recently found this site and have been reading through some of the posts. You're all very inspiring, and I'm hoping I can reach that goal of putting that tin down for good. I've tried to quit a few times in the past years, however I only make it as far as 1-2 days. So I guess a little backstory here, I'm 21 and currently a senior in college and I've been dipping since I was 16. One of my main worries is that because I've become dependent on it throughout all the stressful times during college, that it will make it that much harder to quit while the semester is in session. I go to a very rural college, and basically everybody here dips as well, so I'm concerned with that triggering me. I've picked up some gum and seeds, which is much cheaper than dip I found. Turns out, I've been wasting so much money over the years on this... I'm excited to say that today, I've started my journey for the better. I'm welcome to any advice or anything from you all, I know I won't be able to do this alone. Thanks