I did not know that I could not use patches, and be a part of this club. The few people I know personally that have quit, did it by using the patch. I think it has become clear I do not need this site. Thanks for the support, blow me.
Man, I was just where you are. I quit dipping New Years Day. I was chewing Nicotine gum, but feeling like I was really accomplishing something. I came to this site and got in the chat room and came up with every excuse in the book as to why it would be better for me to ease off the nicotine using the gum. The truth is that I was terrified at the thought of not having my safety net around. It's embarrassing and disgusting to admit that to myself. You're no different, I imagine.
I'm only on Day 12 without Nicotine. It hasn't been easy, but I'll be damned if it doesn't feel great knowing that the nic bitch hasn't owned me for the last 12 days. She still holds the series lead, mind you, and she will for a long time (I dipped for over 15 years), but I'm in it to win it.
When you're committed to quitting, come back. If I see you posting roll, I'll know you gave up the safety net for the freedom the fog brings. And it'll mean a lot to my quit.
You can do this. Be a MAN. The safety blanket is for my two year old daughter. I don't need one. And neither do you.