Author Topic: Waited several days, but here it is....Stricchr  (Read 4837 times)

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Re: Waited several days, but here it is....Stricchr
« Reply #10 on: November 28, 2019, 08:49:05 AM »
Looking for the post about being quit when lassie dies. Any help would be appreciated. Just wanting to pass on the info.
Don't have the original date of Zam's post. This was copied from a HOF day that DocPetey and PeterGibbons conducted. I think this is the one....

Zam wrote:
Here's what I don't like about bsarno's post: he's not describing tough situations. He's describing life. That's what many of your will not "get". And that's why a fair number of you WILL cave and come back (some 3 or 4 times) with a story of woe....which will be told in response to "what happened?". Don't give us the fucking "woe was me" story. That aint' why you caved. I actually think some cavers come back and assume that quitters (real quitters, not pausers) live some sort of charmed life.

Here's some news for you...

---over half of you WILL go through SERIOUS spousal issues and get divorced. Unless you live in that town were all the kids are above average.
---your parents WILL die. Some of them will go through a lot of pain before they pass. You will feel a lot of that pain.
---You WILL get sick and have some serious health scares.
---32,000+ people WILL die in auto wrecks. You WILL know one of them.
---You WILL get laid off, fired, demoted, or pressured to do shit you'd rather not do.
---800,000 people will end up filing bankruptcy this year. You WILL be one or know one or have one asked to crash on your couch.
---You WILL lose a spouse/partner. Half of you will be alive when it happens.
---A growing number of you WILL outlive your children (primarily to to obesity)
---That asshole with the checkbook WILL be in front of you at the grocery store, and they WILL refuse to write one fucking letter on that check until the last bottle of Ensure is rung up and they've determined that the 2-for-1 coupon does, in fact, cover the large can of SpaghettiOs.
---You WILL go through the same kind of shit everyone throughout history has ever had to go through..not using nicotine does NOT change the laws of "life".

All these things WILL happen, so do yourself a favor and realize it right now. Bitch about it...sure. But KNOW that quitting every day means that eventually you'll have to quit on the day Lassie kicks the bucket, the day you your grand baby is diagnosed, the day you lose the big account, whatever. Know it that you will have some dark-ass days ahead. Pray that they pass quickly. Hope that you live a charmed life. But PLAN on having to deal with the shit every one of us has dealt with, or will deal with. Life expectancy is 79 realistic is it to think you'll not have some seriously damn stressful days ahead?

This is all Quitting 101, and I'm not surprised when the same shit comes up in every new group. But I am always surprised with the number of people that seem to assume that everyone else DOES NOT have issues like they do, and thus need an explanation of what "life" is like. Quitting nicotine does not give you a pass from shitty life choices or shitty luck.
I'm not picking on Sarno...well yes...I am picking on him. No one here owes him a first shot much less a fourth. It is a privilege to be here, and he's thus far taken advantage of that privilege. I don't give a shit about his fourth opportunity to fuck us over. I'm not writing this for him. I'm writing this for you, the desperate one who has just realized that this nicotine thing has got them by the nads, and that they want help, and that they are desperate enough to actually put in some effort to make this thing stick. I writing this for the foggy bastard who just may read bsarno's load of boo-hoo and conclude that we aren't serious about really quitting, that it can not really be done. To you I say can be done. It IS being done. YOU can do it. REGARDLESS of what comes at you. And when you "get" that...nicotine will be but a joke to you.
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Re: Waited several days, but here it is....Stricchr
« Reply #9 on: November 28, 2019, 04:53:35 AM »
Looking for the post about being quit when lassie dies. Any help would be appreciated. Just wanting to pass on the info.
“All things are lawful for me, but not all things are profitable. All things are lawful for me, but I will not be mastered by anything.”
1 COR. 6:12‬ NASB‬‬

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Re: Waited several days, but here it is....Stricchr
« Reply #8 on: July 01, 2019, 11:10:05 AM »
Don’t underestimate the benefit of reading someone else’s newly posted day 1, when you are well pasted your own day 1 feelings.

Just a thought/observation
“All things are lawful for me, but not all things are profitable. All things are lawful for me, but I will not be mastered by anything.”
1 COR. 6:12‬ NASB‬‬

"...And everybody want the freedom but nobody want to hear about-face.." - Lecrae , "Welcome to America"

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Re: Waited several days, but here it is....Stricchr
« Reply #7 on: May 01, 2019, 01:35:39 PM »
July 26, 2017 @ 10:02 AM

I am Quit
Ginet wrote:
Day 393. My quit is strong today. Several people around me spent the day packing their lip, one dip after another. I heard addict speak like "I will quit when the price goes up to $6 bucks because that is way too much money". I heard a person wanting to buy an e-Cig cuz they decided its better than smoking cigarettes. I even saw a person post a Day One here.

I watched those people around me snap the can, grab a pinch and stuff their lips. Then adjust the chaw just right with their tongue. Some spit in a use beer can, one in a bottle, another in a trash can and yet another in the sink. I smiled because it wasn't me. I am not them. I am quit.

I listened to the statement about the price of the can. I know I am an addict. They do not. They don't know what I know. I know I would continue to pay ten dollars for a can if that was the price because I am an addict. I grinned because that wasn't me. I am not them. I am quit.

I was sad to hear that one person thought an e-cig was a good idea. Not understanding how it is only a different delivery system with other risks not yet fully known. They aren't educated like I am about this now. I was thankful that wasn't me. I am not them. I am quit.

I was excited to see the post of day one in May 2015. All the emotions came flooding back to me of my day one. The beginning of the rest of my life they called it. The best decision I will ever make another echoed. Welcome to the suck they typed.

That's when I accepted it. That is me. All of it is me. I did the same. I thought the same. I lived the same. The only difference is, I'm quit. Never forget that you are an whatever form your education, hard work, and dedication to others may are still that addict.”

~Lady G ~ LF

Thank you Lady G. I shared this quote with the August 2016 group as Sacksy and I conducted them to the HOF. They're all moderators now, so you can take pride in helping them shape their quit and step up to lead others.

I place this here because it strikes a chord with me. Back in the day, before KTC, (before it existed, actually) I was trying to come up with some way to reprogram my mind to that of a non-user. You remember a time before you used nicotine? That's what I'm talking about.

But you can never go back. Hard as you try, you can never go back.

We must go forward. We go forward as Quit.

We don't have "just one" because we are now Quit.

We've moved through life. At one point we were non-users. Then we became users. Then we became addicts. Now we are quit.

Stay quit.

Seen this and wanted to copy it.. there is just something about it that caught my attention.
« Last Edit: May 01, 2019, 01:39:21 PM by stricchr »
“All things are lawful for me, but not all things are profitable. All things are lawful for me, but I will not be mastered by anything.”
1 COR. 6:12‬ NASB‬‬

"...And everybody want the freedom but nobody want to hear about-face.." - Lecrae , "Welcome to America"

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Re: Waited several days, but here it is....Stricchr
« Reply #6 on: April 30, 2019, 05:22:45 PM »
I feel your pain.   Lots of us have been there in the dog days of quit.   You think you’re over the hump but the addict part of your brain keeps ringing the same bell.   You feel like after going through all the shit you’ve gone through to get to this point that things should ease up....and they don’t.   Trust me when I tell you this will pass.   There is a life for you without dip, and more importantly a life without having to suffer against your craves everyday.   Imagine being able to focus on your work, your family, your hobbies, your religion, or whatever it is you love to do in life without fighting through crave after crave.   That life is yours, but it has to be earned.   Day by day.   Stay with this program and you will get there.  Promise, grind, sleep, repeat.   You’ve got this.

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Re: Waited several days, but here it is....Stricchr
« Reply #5 on: April 25, 2019, 09:46:59 PM »
Unfortunately, you'll still have rough days well past 100 days quit. You said it yourself - addicted to nicotine for 17 years. It takes a lot to rewire your brain after 17 years of abuse.

I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but Google "Post Acute Withdrawal Syndrome Nicotine". Long-term use nicotine addicts suffer some effects of withdrawal for two years.

That's why it's so important to keep coming back to KTC each day and post your promise. Make your promise. Keep your promise. That's a proven formula.

Thank you. I know it will take more than 50, or 100 or 1000 days to undo what i had done for approximately 6,205 days in a row. It still sucks now even knowing it will get better.

Sure it sucks some days, but the good days start to outnumber the bad.  Then the days get really good and you will only have some random cravings....then those even start to lessen.  The withdrawal symptoms are different for everyone.  Keep fighting keep posting, reading, or distracting your mind, it gets so much better

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Re: Waited several days, but here it is....Stricchr
« Reply #4 on: April 25, 2019, 03:00:21 PM »
Unfortunately, you'll still have rough days well past 100 days quit. You said it yourself - addicted to nicotine for 17 years. It takes a lot to rewire your brain after 17 years of abuse.

I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but Google "Post Acute Withdrawal Syndrome Nicotine". Long-term use nicotine addicts suffer some effects of withdrawal for two years.

That's why it's so important to keep coming back to KTC each day and post your promise. Make your promise. Keep your promise. That's a proven formula.

Thank you. I know it will take more than 50, or 100 or 1000 days to undo what i had done for approximately 6,205 days in a row. It still sucks now even knowing it will get better.
“All things are lawful for me, but not all things are profitable. All things are lawful for me, but I will not be mastered by anything.”
1 COR. 6:12‬ NASB‬‬

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Re: Waited several days, but here it is....Stricchr
« Reply #3 on: April 25, 2019, 02:48:39 PM »
Unfortunately, you'll still have rough days well past 100 days quit. You said it yourself - addicted to nicotine for 17 years. It takes a lot to rewire your brain after 17 years of abuse.

I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but Google "Post Acute Withdrawal Syndrome Nicotine". Long-term use nicotine addicts suffer some effects of withdrawal for two years.

That's why it's so important to keep coming back to KTC each day and post your promise. Make your promise. Keep your promise. That's a proven formula.

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Re: Waited several days, but here it is....Stricchr
« Reply #2 on: April 25, 2019, 02:38:18 PM »
Day 49. Seems to be one of those days where i am questioning if i want to quit. Or haven't i been quit long enough now? I know it is just mind games. I know it is something that will pass. Even after 48 days i still have "rough" days and today is one of them. I don't want to be at work, i don't want to go home. i just want to go to some dark room and be left alone. But i made a promise this morning and i still intend to keep it.
“All things are lawful for me, but not all things are profitable. All things are lawful for me, but I will not be mastered by anything.”
1 COR. 6:12‬ NASB‬‬

"...And everybody want the freedom but nobody want to hear about-face.." - Lecrae , "Welcome to America"

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Waited several days, but here it is....Stricchr
« on: March 12, 2019, 02:10:27 PM »
I have been posting here for several days, but never introduced myself.

My name is Chris. I have been married to my high school sweet heart for the last 12 years. We have three daughters, all of whom are completely different. Which makes my house always interesting. I have been dipping for about 10 years, but i started smoking at 17, so in all, addicted to nicotine for 17 years.

As far as hobbies and interest, i like to fish. I enjoy running, even though i am slow. Watching my kids play sports. One is into volleyball and the other is into soccer. Working out also on my list, just not as consistent as i should be.

As of 3/8/19 i am Nicotine free, and don't ever plan on having that crap in me again.
“All things are lawful for me, but not all things are profitable. All things are lawful for me, but I will not be mastered by anything.”
1 COR. 6:12‬ NASB‬‬

"...And everybody want the freedom but nobody want to hear about-face.." - Lecrae , "Welcome to America"