I am new here, I quit on 2/12/2019 and I was a dipper/tobacco user for roughly 21 years. Quit smoking a few years back but dip has been a hard one. I finally kicked the can out of my life and have been quit for 42 days as of this post. I have been using the app DipQuit to track my progress and it has been helpful to see.
First and Foremost Thank you For Your Service!
Second, Welcome to the Mayhem Brother, You are a Badass already for Serving, even more to make it 42 Days by yourself. I understand you are not able to post every day, this is something we will have to figure out as a group. If you need anything I am around so toss me a PM!
Posting roll is easy enough and you will get it down easy, If it hasn't been done yet I will add you. I did see you quoted today but didn't Post your name. The site it a bit tricky to use on the phone, but it is doable and gets better the more you do it.
1. Always refresh the screen before you post (On my phone I "Drag" the Screen down and it refreshes.
2. Hit "Quote" scroll down the page past all the code, links, etc to where you see "New Badass Quitters Post your Promise here" and Add your Screen Name (FINN will work) and the Day you are on. (43 today)
3. Hit post.. Now if you get a little box that pops up with red lettering saying "Warning someone has posted... blah blah) that means someone just posted before you could. When that happens I back out, refresh and start over so we don't "Bump" that person from the Roll. Again if you need anything Brother let me know!
Rick Jr