Welcome, Ryan.
"I didn't plan this at all."
Good deal! You know what always happened when I 'planned' to quit? I would talk myself out of it. I always convinced myself it was not the best time, and the best time was always a few months off in the future. The best time NEVER arrived. Stuff always got in the way. One day I just realized that I was being controlled by a can of poisonous dead leaves and my life was such a fake life that I either had to quit or jump off a bridge. My original plan one morning a little more than 2 years ago was to get up and throw some clothes on and run down to the convenience store and buy a can so I could throw a chew in with my morning shower. Somewhere between putting my socks and shoes on, I made the decision that it was all going to stop then and there. Of course, all throughout that day, and many subsequent days, a little voice was in my ear saying "You don't really mean this"..."This is a bad time"..."You need this"..."You can't make it without me." All lies! A quitter can live without those poisonous dead leaves.
"My wife and kids seem to think it's no big deal."
My wife isn't part of my support network and I'm glad of it. She doesn't understand nicotine addiction one iota and is more of a pain in the ass when she does think she knows something about it. Not many people outside this place gives quitting dip the respect and attention it deserves. A quitter makes it a life or death deal.
"My parents, believe it or not don't know I chew."
I believe it. Very few people knew I chewed. I kept it a secret from as many as possible. There are many people here who were like that. However, we here at KTC recommend you now tell those people you hid it from that you are now quitting. We do what's called a scorched policy. We leave no avenues or bridges open for retreat. One thing the dip addict likes to find (or leave) are loopholes, escape clauses, and easy way outs. A quitter does the hard work.
"I don't have much of a support network."
You can have as much of a support network as you want. I suggest you get one as large as you need. They are usually quite different in size. A quitter extends his hand and does the shaking.