How long do the withdrawal symptoms/strange feeling typically last?
-Mild dull headache over eyes (almost like a brain freeze) or feeling like it's "behind" my eyes. Not severe or debilitating, just annoying enough to keep being reminded 'my head hurts'....
-Vision/focus. Peripheral vision way out of focus. Tunnel vision? Hard for me to describe a lot of these, but assuming they will make sense to others.... Staring at something for a few seconds vs just reading it. Like the words don't register right away. Just several vision-related things that I notice are "off"
-Jittery feeling. Mostly just later in evening, before bed. Assuming because there isn't work or anything really needing my attention - just sitting for an hour to watch TV to unwind before bed - almost unbearable with the jittery feelings, much less intense other times of day.
-Sleep...Can't fall asleep, stay asleep. When I do sleep, real weird dreams. Waking up with a very anxious feeling & can't go back to sleep.
-Strong urge for nicotine. Always some urge, and a little is no big deal. Always there, but varying degrees and at times is more than I'd just call a craving. Pretty intense feeling and combines with the jittery feeling and the out of focus vision. Chew some gum, have a snack, cold drink, get up & walk around, some type of distraction until is lets up a bit....I get thru them, but these strong urges hit appx 3x per day and are hard to describe. It's all the time I "want" some nicotine - but mostly the same way I want ice cream or a winning powerball ticket - would be nice to have but don't really care about not having. So that kind of "want" is always there 24/7. Then there's the "my eyes hurt, vision is blurry, jittery dreadful feeling" and pretty intense feeling like I 'need' just a little to get thru it. So far, these few times a day are pretty sucky, but maybe 15 minutes each tops. This is the part I really want to go RFN....would be great if that stopped. Any trick to speeding up getting past that?
-Appetite....eating more. I think that's pretty normal & expected. Trying to be more conscious about it but at same time allowing a few more snacks or junk food as snacks....
-Feeling "buzzed".....kind of that same feeling after a few beers when you start getting buzzed, but without the relaxed or happy feeling to go along with it. But coordination a tiny bit off, reactions a touch slow, feel a little bit unbalanced, thoughts a little slower to form....kind of like being a little bit buzzed in those ways
Anyway, I was doing fine on the patches.....always had that feeling I wanted a dip, but really mild. Even though that was a lot less nicotine than 2.5-3 cans/day delivered, apparently was enough. Monday was day to step down to next lower level patch (step 2?)....but instead of doing that, just didn't put it on at all. So that makes this 3rd day with 0 nic, about a month no tobacco. And so far, these feelings haven't let up any. The sleep and jittery type strong urge seem to get a little worse each day. So just wondering how long does it typically take for the more intense issues to let up?