I’m a 30 y/o guy, been dipping since 16. Last 5 years has been snus. I am a closet dipper and have been for nearly 10 years. Snus was very easy to conceal but just as addicting. Past couple months have been the worst where I’ve had a dip in 24 hours a day (even sleeping) Wife, family, and friends don’t know. I have attempted quitting several times and my longest attempt was for about 3 months. The side effects from quitting always felt more detrimental to my performance at work and school so my addiction was easily perpetuated. Luckily I am able to take 1 month off before starting a new job to get my crap together. My last dip was 2 days ago but I am using 7mg nic patches for a couple days just so I don’t become a raging a-hole out of nowhere. I’ve poked around the site before but never posted. Just writing this intro has been therapeutic and I’m looking forward to having some accountability and being done for good!