Author Topic: My teeth hurt... my gums are low... and I’m ashamed it’s controlled me this long  (Read 2679 times)

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Offline Skolvikings

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Where'd ya go??

I thought you were desperate??

I thought you wanted this so bad??

It takes great big brass balls to quit, it's hard.

Thousands before you did it, why can't you??

Post a promise first thing in the morning to not use nic and keep your word..... repeat.

It truly is that simple.

Pull your head out of your ass Dbag and quit.
Be humble... grow everyday.

I fear I will always be chasing the vortex like a drug. None will be as special as my first hit.


Offline Dbag

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Thanks guys

Offline RDB

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Welcome. Yes, you can post in August right now and tomorrow and every tomorrow afterwards.

Offline Zeus

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So I think, based on rules, I can’t post in the August pre HOF group because I’m not past day 72 hours yet... that may be wrong but I’m either case I’m posting my roll here, morning 1... the hardest time for me... I quit.
Welcome. You can post roll call in August this moment as long as you are not using NOW and promise not to use nicotine for the rest of the day. Keep your promise. Tomorrow morning, upon waking up, make your promise again. Hold yourself and others accountable and let them do the same for you.
June 2017 Quit Mafia

Offline Dbag

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So I think, based on rules, I can’t post in the August pre HOF group because I’m not past day 72 hours yet... that may be wrong but I’m either case I’m posting my roll here, morning 1... the hardest time for me... I quit.

Offline vanderbilt1

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I started on Saturday. Join us.

Offline Dagranger

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Dbag.   First and foremost to use this site the right way you need to know what we do.   All of us quit one day at a time.  Upon waking up we come to this site and make a daily promise to all the quitters on this site that we will stay quit for the day.    Then we grind away all day and go to sleep.   Upon waking up we come back to 5he site and make the same promise.   The place you will go is the August 2019 group...that means you are posting with the people that will hit 100 days quit in August of this year.   Here’s a link to that group...
Each day you make a promise by writing you user name and the number of days quit.
That’s the easy part...obviously the hard part is staying quit.    It is not easy but thousands of us have done it and so can you.   First you have to fully realize you are an addict to a drug more addictive than cocaine.    Don’t treat this lightly.   Your addict mind will come up with all kids of bullshit (like painful gums).  To try to convince you that the best thing you can do is cave.    Remember your are an addict, and all of that is addict talk.    The first few days are rough, but make your daily promise and fight your ass off, then go to sleep and repeat the next day.   If you work on just taking it one day at a time...and no more, it does help to get through this.      Post your promise than come to the chat rooms or this intro page and post your thoughts or problems.   There’s lots of dedicated quitters who have been exactly where you are.    Who will be more than happy to share their advice and strategies. 

Lastly know this.   Being rid of dipping is the best thing I have ever done.   And it can be for you to.   You can fight through this, and come out the other side a better man.   Good luck.
« Last Edit: May 14, 2019, 10:24:02 PM by Dagranger »

Offline Dbag

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I picked up and looked at this site 5 years ago and found some useful information for a totally failed quit attempt. Well 5 years, one marriage, 2 kids and a lot of gum recession later, I’m back on and I’ve finally at least created an account. My teeth hurt, my gums hurt, my tongue is sore and I’m consumed by the can. Every night I tell myself it’s the last night and I’m going to wake up and not throw that first one in...

I’m literally at the point where I feel like I can’t do it anymore. I constantly feel like the next dip I put in is coming out with a tooth... I don’t know what to do and I’m lost and hoping this forum will be the difference for me...

I had to stop on the way home today because my mouth hurt so bad I had to grab some mouthwash to help with tooth and gum sensitivity and I’ve kept my dip out since lunch... but simply due to the shear pain I feel in my jaw... I usually keep a pouch, sometimes even two in and no one can ever tell which is what makes it so easy to hide... it’s my dark little secret that has slowly crept up with me...

I feel like such a wimp posting on this group after 8 hours but it’s the anticipation of the next day that always kills me when I try to quit... I tell myself it’s going to be too hard, just do one more that morning and that will get you through the day but that never works... help me guys I’m desperate... I’m doing it for me, I’m doing it so my kids don’t have to grow up without a father, or a father with a hole in his face or no tongue to tell them he loves them...

I need this y’all, help please... it’s the worst habit I ever started... I hope I haven’t already broken any rules... but this is my declaration, the first declaration I’ve made Out of all the quit attempts and I need to be held accountable....

Thanks for reading...