So on this Veterans day weekend i find myself thinking of a couple men in particular. My grandfather and uncle Les. Now Lester wasn't biological but was called kin non the less. Les caught the largest King salmon Ever. Now, u wont find this on google or in an old magazine but commonly known by the locals is the misconception that the fish was caught at the Honeymooners hole. A very popular hole. In fact u could fly to Kenai, i will pick u up at the airport. I will bring u to grandmas and show u to your cabin. 400$ a night, up to 4 people. In the morning my aunty will cook u breakfast, included, and for only 500$, per day, 2 trips out per day, one of my uncles will run you on down to honeymooners and tell u all about Les and his feesh. Lol but that fish was only landed at Honeymooners, how do i know? Cause i was there the day that fish gulped his last. I know, everyone says BS. All i can say is google that shit or come on up. 900 a day no refunds. You see i got a couple stories about Les, this one first. It was late may and the pukers (tourists) were just starting to pile up. My cousin, brother and i were preparing to cross the slew with our brites when we heard someone powering down the slew. We immediately knew somthing was up, i thought maybe someone was hurt. Anyway, Nobody ran the slew. NO FREEKN BODY. On top of that it was realy late, like 8am. We only get a few hours darkness so the bite is super early, like the middle of the night. So imagine my supprize when here comes Les hootin and holerin. Shit, we didnt know why yet cause we were trying to get our fish thrown back in the bushes before grandma came out to find out 'who the holy hell would run the slew. It was then i saw him, took two guys to get him out of the boat. Couldn't hang him as we would have ripped his face off. Now the story goes that he caught that fish on the bite (early morning) and then finished the morning out. Insinuating that fish sat at the bottom of his boat for possibly hours. Also it was a bright sunny day. Well i can attest that it was a bright sunny morning, and it can get hot under the Alaskan sun. But the rest is conjecture. So Les enjoyed his fame and held his secret tight, however, i know the first place Les would swim his flatfish in may.
Les Anderson owned a gas station in town at the y, (Les's Y service station). I remember one summer, i was like 11, so afew years before the fish. He had a horse tied to a trailer out back. The trailer was filled with old car batteries. All summer i watch that horse lick those batteries. One night, after a successful clam dig in the Gulch, clam gulch, we stopped by for fuel. I asked Uncle Les if it was ok for the horse to lick that shit? "Oh No", he says "its real bad. Gonna make his lips curl up, his teeth gonna fall out, his jaws gonna fall off. And he'll probly shit blood till he dies." I dont know why but old the old timers had this thing about "shittin blood till u die." He let that sink in a bit and said "But its a whoooole lot better than that shit u guys are always spittin around. I remember begging, pleading with my uncles. "please quit" Fuck, by the time Les caught the monster i had a fancy lid for my cans. Thinking back i realize he never sold tobacco at his store, i wish i could talk to him today.
So i know we can only quit for ourselves, but tomorrow i quit for me and Les. I love and miss u old man.