This post is really for anyone that is surfing the site debating whether to quit or not. I am an addict and until I realized that, i was always destined to fail. This is how the mind of on an addict works (my mind).
Can't quit in January, got NFL playoffs.
Can't quit in February because i need a dip in to shovel snow.
Can't quit in March because MLB spring training and march madness.
Can't quit in April because of my birthday and MLB starting
Can't quit in May because grilling season starts and MLB
Can't quit in June because yard work and MLB
Can't quit in July because of the 4th and the beach
Can't quit in August because NFL minicamps start and pool time
Can't quit in September because NFL and NCAA Football
Can't quit in October because MLB playoffs
Can't quit in November because thanksgiving and may as well wait until the end of the year.
Can't quit in December because family holidays and i already said i would quit in January.
Can't quit at the beginning of a certain month because its not a Monday.
Sound familiar? The excuses go on and I did this for years. There is no better time to quit than right now. Accept that you are an addict and that dipping is a problem, not a solution.
Come on in, the water is fine. I'm 35 days quit today.