Piaso, posted roll first and the posted an intro? You are already ahead of the game my friend. Here’s a few pieces of advice to start you on your way
1. This is an addiction, and you are an addict, treat your quitting like a drug addict....because you are, nicotine is more addictive than cocaine.
2. Post roll every day without fail....at first there won’t seem to be much rhyme or reason to it, but post anyway...this will end up being your lifeline down the road. For those of us who do post everyday it matters. I will get 3 or 4 texts if I missed a day...even after 6 years of quit that’s great accountability.
3. The best help for other quitters is a fellow addict like you, feel free to join the conversations here and lend support when you can...,you’ll find that the advice you give others, can really help you as well.
4, don’t expect this to be easy, even if you get a day or two where it’s not so bad, it usually gets hard again....so just buckle up and as we say here “embrace the suck”. You only want to go through this once.
5. Realize that everything that your brain will tell you about caving is bullshit. Your sore mouth won’t feel better, having just one then starting a quit back up tomorrow, telling yourself that you really liked dipping, or that now that you quit you can’t relax or concentrate....every single thing your brain comes up with to put that weed back in your mouth is pure and utter bullshit.
6. Being free from dip is the best thing I e done for myself....hang through the tough times and you will have the same feeling too.