Hi guys, I'm a new quitter as of 11:41 pm on July 19, 2019.
I'm 27 years old and started dipping when I was 19, up to 2 cans a day for the past 4 years. I just graduated pharmacy school this year, and am waiting for the results of my licensure exams (hopefully I'll work my first shift as a pharmacist by the end of next week!). I've always knew that I needed to quit, and on top of that I've always wanted to quit. Never at any point did I imagine myself as a "life-long" dipper, however that's the road that I've been on. If this continues, in the blink of an eye ill have 30 years under my belt. My girlfriend quit smoking about 3 weeks ago, and my motivation has never been stronger. I'm tired of hiding the fact that I dip from others. I'm tired of spending $300 a month on something that can kill me. I'm tired of avoiding the dentist out of embarrassment. I'm tired of dreading and avoiding situations in which I can't dip for an extended period of time. I'm tired of being a slave to a drug.
Not long ago, I went into the gas station, and a tobacco rep was in the store. I'm not going to lie, the guy straight up creeped me out. He was offering everyone coupons, and I was just like whatever and went along with it. I don't really know why, normally I would have said no in a situation like this. He asked for some information and off I went. I then got an email from Grizzly, and for some reason the entire experience made me feel very uncomfortable. I realized, the whole reason that he is there is to capture information and to get people on his mailing list. I ended up calling the company and telling them to take me off of their list and to never send me anything in the mail, and threw away the coupon. I still cant really put my finger on it, but something about this whole experience made me sick to my stomach and I thought I would share it as another motivating factor for me.
Anyways, that's all I have to say for now. Hope to see some of you all in the live chat.