Been dipping for roughly 30 years. Had no idea that there were so many people doing the same shameful crap I was doing until I read some of the posts in these forums ( hiding it from my family, avoiding or disappearing from social situations so I could dip ).
I'm in a band and I'm a cop in Florida. There was nothing I enjoyed more than throwing in a big old dip ( Skoal Berry Blend was my poison ) and playing my guitar if at home or getting caught up on reports if at work. I would take a dip before every shower, driving into work, before starting yardwork, cleaning the pool etc....just always an excuse to use.
This crap was costing me 7 bucks per day and I was alienating myself from my kids ( age 11, 10 and 5 ) so I could sneak off and bust a dip. That's just horrible that I was paying somebody to sell me poison to put in my mouth that not only took me away from my family short term but had the potential to do it long term.
Threw my can away 2 weeks ago and it has been a whole lot easier than I thought. Had a "man a dip would feel nice now" feeling here and there but I find if I eat something it goes away. I also occasionally use "Grinds" which I highly recommend.
Good too read you guys stories and best of luck to everybody here on our journey.
Hi Dan,
Like you I chewed for over 30 years and was up to 3 cans a day when I quit. I appreciate the sentiment of you wishing everyone luck, however, there is no luck involved here. You are either quit or you are not and the choice is all yours. I'm glad it has been easier than you though it would be but I'm betting you are going to have some tough times ahead.
The price of admission for this site is you posting your promise every morning that will not use any nicotine products for the whole day. This is called posting roll which I am sure you are familiar with being a police officer. Your group for posting roll is the
November 2019 Quit Group. This is the month that everyone in your group will hit 100 days nicotine free.
Go there and post your promise to remain nicotine free for the next 24 hours, come back again tomorrow morning and repeat the process. We quit One Day at a Time (ODAAT) and we Wake, Up, Piss and Post (WUPP) roll Every Damn Day (EDD).
Two weeks on your own is pretty bad ass. Keep going in this direction, start posting roll and exchange phone numbers with other quitters from your group and some of the vets. The phone numbers are your life line for when the shit really gets bad, they give you instant access to support when you need it most, so use those numbers. They are also the cornerstone of building your wall of accountability and brotherhood.
Accountability + Brotherhood = Success
Proud to quit with you today,