Hey Mourning,
Nice job posting Roll. Just worry about today. Today is all we can control. Get through today, come back and post your promise again tomorrow for the next 24 hours.
One Day At A Time (ODAAT) Every Damn Day (EDD) Wake Up, Piss, Post (WUPP)
Those are the three most important acronyms in this forum. We wake up and post our promise first thing everyday, taking nicotine off the table for the day. We do this every day, weekends and holidays included and we only worry about today. Tomorrow will come with it's own challenges and I only want to deal with today's challenges.
You are off to great start. Read everything you can in this place, drink a ton of water, keep seeds, gum, snacks, whatever you are using for the oral fixation, with you at all times. Exchange phone numbers with other quitters in your group and some vets. These numbers are your life line in case you have a bad day and that can starts to look really good, use those numbers and reach out to someone, don't let the nic bitch win. Those numbers also are part of your web of accountability and brotherhood. The more you have and use, the stronger the web.
Let's do this this. Proud to quit with you today,