Day 12 today - thoughts for me to look back on and hopefully help others as well.
- I'm irritable as hell. Days 3-5 I was borderline psycho. Thankful that I work from home, otherwise I'm almost certain I'd be in jail.
- I've yet to experience the fog, or really any super prolonged cravings. The cravings that do hit me are fast and strong and come from nowhere, almost random and not associated to any event or action that I would consider a trigger.
- Fake dip - I've tried Smokey Mountain and Baccoff - has been huge. For me being able to spit while on the golf course and throwing a fake dip in after meals really takes my mind off the quit.
- Not drinking alcohol for this initial period has been big. Staying sharp and on-point is required to keep that sneaky nicotine bitch in check.
- Posting my promise daily and texting my accountability partners is required and non-negotiable. I'm not going to let them, or myself, down.