Author Topic: Day 9 quitter here, anyone else using or used chantix?  (Read 3274 times)

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Offline Sand44

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Re: Day 9 quitter here, anyone else using or used chantix?
« Reply #2 on: September 27, 2019, 02:48:45 PM »
Hey all, on day 9. Been on chantix for 3 weeks now and I really want to just stop using it. I was curious if anyone else had used chantix for a kick start?

Good afternoon @Jeffani

Congratulations on 9 days of being nicotine free!

I really don’t know much about Chantix..but I do know what works and will keep you quit.

If you are in fact nicotine free (no nicotine replacements allowed) I’d recommend joining your quit group HERE

It’s quite simple

Post roll when you wake up.

This is your promise not to use nicotine for 24 we only quit for one day at a time here.

If you have been nicotine free, and you are on day 9.. go join your group. It works. If you’ve been using Chantix while dipping, and weaning yourself off.. we’ll have to figure out where your at for a day count.

Proud to quit with you
Sand44 - 346 days nicotine free

Offline Jeffani

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Day 9 quitter here, anyone else using or used chantix?
« on: September 27, 2019, 01:41:33 PM »
Hey all, on day 9. Been on chantix for 3 weeks now and I really want to just stop using it. I was curious if anyone else had used chantix for a kick start?