JT here. 20+ years dipping and Im fed up with the endless cycle of the habit. Im an Addict and I need your help. Good luck to all. DAY1!
Welcome Johnny,
First off, I'm glad you realize you are an addict. The only habit you have is you like to stick things in your mouth and that, like any other habit, can be broken. The addiction is nicotine and that you will carry with you for the rest of your life. It is up to you and your choices whether or not you will give in to the addiction. However, with our help and hard work on your part, you can be nicotine free and live your life. There is no luck involved with quitting nicotine. You either quit or you don't, the choice is yours.
First off, you need to go and post roll in your quit group which you can find
Posting roll is making our promise to remain nicotine free for 24 hours. We quit one day at a time. The process is simple:
Wake Up
Post Your Promise to be nicotine Free
Keep Your Word
Repeat Daily
Wake Up, Piss, Post (WUPP) is what most of us live by. We post our promise early Every Damn Day (EDD) taking nicotine off the table for the day.
It will be hard, I won't sugar coat it, it is going to really suck until it doesn't suck. You just have to get through it. Lean on us, come in here and rant all you want, we can take it, we have been where you are. Don't take it our on your loved ones, they did not stick that cancer weed in your mouth, you did.
Exchange phone numbers with other quitters in your group and some vets (only use the Personal Messaging feature to exchange digits). Those phone numbers are your lifeline. Keep them with you at all times and USE them. Call or text someone before you go buy that tin if you are having a hard time. Let us help you.
The phone numbers also serve as the beginning of your web of accountability and brotherhood. Get to know the people you are fighting with. It is much harder to break a promise to someone you actually care about, than an internet stranger.
Okay, now go post roll and get to know some quitters.
chris2alaska (Chris) 631 nicotine free days