Hello everyone.
My name is Aaron8751. As of writing this I am 12 days free of nicotine. This is like my 4th attempt at quitting but I have had enough. I have kids now and my daughter is starting to imitate me spitting. I hate it. That’s what has pushed me over the edge. I know I can do it this time with the help of this site. Thanks for listening to my little intro and I hope to get to know everyone a bit better!
Is this your first time on KTC?
If so, welcome! You’ve come to the right place. You are still in the toughest part of your quit, so we are glad you are here. It’s pretty simple, we just Wake up, Piss, and Post Every Dang Day (WUPP EDD) as soon as we wake up. Reading the boards, reaching out to other quitters and trading your digits (phone number, but only through Personal Message and never the boards). Also make sure your drinking plenty of water and repacking the craves with exercise. Other than that, post daily in your quit group, which is January, link found below.