Author Topic: 1 week down but worried  (Read 3670 times)

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Offline TwinCitiesMN

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Re: 1 week down but worried
« Reply #12 on: November 13, 2019, 05:02:37 PM »
Glad the DDS could put you at ease, @coach74 . Don't let the good news cloud your judgment. If you start thinking, "guess that wasn't a close call after all," it's just the nicotine taking another run at you.
It is a far, far better thing that I do than I have ever done; it is a far, far better quit that I go to than I have ever known.
-- Adapted from Charles Dickens' A Tale of Two Cities

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Re: 1 week down but worried
« Reply #11 on: November 13, 2019, 02:19:01 PM »
Hey guys sorry, I’m just super busy we’re gearing up for a playoff run here so time is an issue with my ability to respond each time. I did in fact get a dentist appointment in and was given the screening and was good so relief is there for sure! Still clean and good as well currently at 17 days down and still going! Thank you all for the support

Congrats coach! I played a little D2 college football. I was a receiver and ironically my position coach was also a big chewer. Also ironically several other receivers also chewed. Great job quitting. I know you love your players. Most coaches know are not doing it for the money. You very well could be effecting your players with your addiction. If you want my digits for support just PM me. Would love to connect and cheer you on.
Just one and you will be back to where you started, and where you started was desperately wishing you were where you are now.

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Re: 1 week down but worried
« Reply #10 on: November 13, 2019, 09:00:58 AM »
Hey guys sorry, I’m just super busy we’re gearing up for a playoff run here so time is an issue with my ability to respond each time. I did in fact get a dentist appointment in and was given the screening and was good so relief is there for sure! Still clean and good as well currently at 17 days down and still going! Thank you all for the support

Offline Keith0617

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Re: 1 week down but worried
« Reply #9 on: November 13, 2019, 08:40:39 AM »

Offline Keith0617

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Re: 1 week down but worried
« Reply #8 on: November 13, 2019, 08:28:37 AM »
@coach74   you need help? Did you change your mind?

Offline Keith0617

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Re: 1 week down but worried
« Reply #7 on: November 12, 2019, 07:54:48 AM »
@coach74 why haven't you posted roll yet? You can do this if you follow the program. You are choosing to put crap in your mouth over freedom and life.

Offline pky1520

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Re: 1 week down but worried
« Reply #6 on: November 12, 2019, 06:24:44 AM »
You got a lot of good replies and advice here @coach74 .  Don’t waste the opportunity to make this quit work.

Offline Zeus

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Re: 1 week down but worried
« Reply #5 on: November 10, 2019, 10:33:32 AM »
Welcome Coach. This community has quite a few coaches, so you'll have some friendly company.

If your health scare turns out to be just that...a scare...are you still going to have a strong commitment to quit? If you continue dipping, the scares never go away and the chances of the scare turning into something else continue to get worse. If not cancer, your general healthy will continue to deteriorate. Dipping will wear down your gums. I know quitters who have had gum graft surgeries. There's one guy I know who has to wear a special mouthguard to keep his teeth in place at night.  Nicotine causes high blood pressure and thus wears down your heart and vascular system. A dipper friend of mine had a medical emergency on the side of the road and died while he was on his way to see his old mother who was recovering from a stroke.

If you think you can escape this time and get out of the woods this time, there's always going to be next time...unless you quit. Besides all the bad stuff that will happen, name one good thing that dip will actually do for you? It'll calm you down. The kicker is: It doesn't even really do that! It's only creating an anxious state and satiating it. Meanwhile, we think it does wonders. It is shit. Our main activity in life is based on a lie. How many thousands of dollars and hours have we wasted on it?

If you're tired of wasting yourself, money, and time, you may join us here at Kill the Can. We believe quitting takes more than keeping track on a fridge calendar. We believe it requires accountability and a support web.  Head on over to the FEBRUARY 2020 Pre_HOF Quit Group and post roll there. It's named that because February is the month you will be hitting 100 days of freedom if you do as we suggest.

Posting roll call is our daily promise to ourselves and our quit brothers and sisters that we will remain nicotine free for the next 24 hours.  We Wake Up, Piss and Post (WUPP) or promise Every Damn Day (EDD), weekends and holidays included, One Day At A Time (ODAAT). We make our promise early because it is a contract and a vow for the day. It is the basis of our accountability.

The process is simple:

1. Post your promise early in the day
2. Keep your word
3. Repeat Daily.

It will will suck for awhile until it doesn't suck as bad.  Embrace the suck just like two a days. It's weakness leaving your body.  Write about it here in your intro so you can remember what it felt like so you never want to do it again. Addicts have a tendency to wear rose colored glasses.

Exchange phone numbers with other quitters through the "Private Message" feature.  Those numbers will give you instant access to support if you need it, they are also the building blocks of your web of accountability and brotherhood. My number is just a PM away.

So, if you are serious, just jump right in; because if you wait, your addict mind will talk you out of it. Don't let that happen this time.

That goes for anybody else who's sick and tired. It NEVER gets better. Quitting is something no one regrets doing.

June 2017 Quit Mafia

Offline Keith0617

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Re: 1 week down but worried
« Reply #4 on: November 10, 2019, 09:13:43 AM »
30 yrs old have dipped on an off since i was maybe 15.. had long spells of quitting and not but finally decided it was time after losing a little feeling in my cheek. I coach college football and it has been difficult to keep it out.. but i recently freaked myself out i think with the weather change. My tonsils and lymph nodes swole up and i instantly began to panic did i quit too late.. the next day i couldn't breathe a lick.. so im hoping it was a sign of my impending illness because my sense of taste now is very reminiscent of me being sick as well with a sinus issue, but i have been just over a week down of no dip and I know i can't go back.. im just worried about that numbness spell.. I know its just a matter of time needed for an appointment.. so I'm just not sure if I need to wait until my season is over (max 4 weeks unless we go to the National title) because the numbness comes and goes.. but I know there is scar tissue there, because after doing that for so long how could we not have some type of damage right? just going on a day by day assessment today is way less swollen than yesterday, I also suffer from TMJ and I have 0 idea how that plays into this as well.. I will probably have to wait just due to the fact that we do not have the time in season really and just continue to see how it feels day by day because I feel like once my body has about a month of nothing going on I'd know that something very serious was wrong.. i know i'm rambling but I found this site and I felt the need to share this after a brief convo in the chat room.. and it's just hard to deal personally i guess with what I thought it could be and dealing with the thoughts in your head of you should have listened to everyone who told us to stop so long ago you know what i mean? Thanks for listening and any advice about what I could do to help myself move on from this would be greatly appreciated.. I've been here for not even an hour and I feel better just talking about this..

Welcome @coach74 . Here is the link to February 20, your group as long as you are ready to quit  . We post roll every morning with our promise to stay free of nicotine for the day. Repeat the following day. Hope to see you on roll.
« Last Edit: November 11, 2019, 08:32:04 AM by Keith0617 »

Offline Nomore1959

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Re: 1 week down but worried
« Reply #3 on: November 10, 2019, 09:01:56 AM »
Pky1520’s post below spells it out.  The way to address worry is through knowledge.  So get the cancer screening, then make your plans based on facts.

Find your quit group (February 2020 i think), post roll each morning and get support from quitters going through the same things you are.

Offline pky1520

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Re: 1 week down but worried
« Reply #2 on: November 10, 2019, 07:26:30 AM »
Welcome, glad you found us and glad you’ve taken that first big step towards quitting.

In terms of seeing the doctor - I really think you need to cut some time out and do it ASAP.  Two reasons for that - first is peace of mind.  If you’re approaching a stressful and demanding time in your coaching world, do you want the distraction of thinking about cancer?  If it’s nothing, won’t having known that free up a ton of mental bandwidth for you to focus on your job? 

The second reason is in case it actually is something serious.  If, God forbid, it actually is cancer, you probably can’t afford another 4+ weeks to start treatment.  That shit can move fast and your prognosis for a positive outcome goes down every day you put it off.  I know the season and the job probably feels like it means everything in the world, but you need to think seriously about if these next four games are actually worth your life, because that could be what you’re putting on the table by putting off a screening.

My goal is not to scare you, the numbness and cold symptoms may be totally unrelated, or even a reaction to quitting.  It’s very common to get some crazy health reactions when you first quit dipping and some are pretty scary.  Just based on the concerns you noted, I’m trying to give my most professional advice as a certified random dude on the internet.  The cancer screening takes no time and there are no benefits to putting it off.

On another note, let’s talk about your quit.  How serious are you about really quitting?  Is this a health scare stoppage, pick it back up when you come back clean? Or do you really want to beat this addiction and move forward with your life?

If you’re serious and you’re really ready to quit - regardless of your medical situation, then you should go find your quit group on this site and post roll.  Roll is your daily promise not to use any form of nicotine for that day.  It’s the backbone of this site and considered the price of entry to the resources here. 

There are a ton of tools here to help you quit successfully, but it all starts with “I will not use nicotine today.” Make a promise, keep it, do it again tomorrow.  It takes about as much time as sending a text, so no excuses - we quit every single day and failure is not acceptable.

It probably sounds weird, but I’m telling you that it works and has been the key to success for many people who never thought they’d be able to make it stick.  I just posted day 1288, well over three years.  It hasn’t always been fun or easy, but the freedom I have now is worth every minute of the early shit.

You’re group should be January 2020
Instructions for posting roll can be found on that page.  Hoping to see you take the step, get a clean bill of health and work towards a successful quit!
« Last Edit: November 10, 2019, 07:28:11 AM by pky1520 »

Offline coach74

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1 week down but worried
« on: November 10, 2019, 02:11:10 AM »
30 yrs old have dipped on an off since i was maybe 15.. had long spells of quitting and not but finally decided it was time after losing a little feeling in my cheek. I coach college football and it has been difficult to keep it out.. but i recently freaked myself out i think with the weather change. My tonsils and lymph nodes swole up and i instantly began to panic did i quit too late.. the next day i couldn't breathe a lick.. so im hoping it was a sign of my impending illness because my sense of taste now is very reminiscent of me being sick as well with a sinus issue, but i have been just over a week down of no dip and I know i can't go back.. im just worried about that numbness spell.. I know its just a matter of time needed for an appointment.. so I'm just not sure if I need to wait until my season is over (max 4 weeks unless we go to the National title) because the numbness comes and goes.. but I know there is scar tissue there, because after doing that for so long how could we not have some type of damage right? just going on a day by day assessment today is way less swollen than yesterday, I also suffer from TMJ and I have 0 idea how that plays into this as well.. I will probably have to wait just due to the fact that we do not have the time in season really and just continue to see how it feels day by day because I feel like once my body has about a month of nothing going on I'd know that something very serious was wrong.. i know i'm rambling but I found this site and I felt the need to share this after a brief convo in the chat room.. and it's just hard to deal personally i guess with what I thought it could be and dealing with the thoughts in your head of you should have listened to everyone who told us to stop so long ago you know what i mean? Thanks for listening and any advice about what I could do to help myself move on from this would be greatly appreciated.. I've been here for not even an hour and I feel better just talking about this..