@austinc65. There is lots of good info below. I'll add a couple things that helped me.
Get involved. Reading posts, HOF speeches, Intros, etc., keeps your mind occupied, teaches you about your addiction, and forces you to realize that you are not alone in this nor are your symptoms unique. Also, get to know some of your fellow quitters. You will eventually have many in your group but also reach out to others. These relationships may save your quit some day.
Take out your rage HERE. Your family, friends, co-workers, had nothing to do with your addiction and should not suffer through your recovery. We are either in the same boat (still suffering) or we've been through it and understand what is happening. If you want to tangle with someone, you will have no problem finding someone to tangle with on this site.
Lots more to come but most importantly STAY QUIT. Reach out to someone long before you cave. YOU CAN DO THIS. PM in your box with my digits. Hold that line brother.
PTBQWYT my friend