@jeffg Welcome aboard. Make sure to follow the directions RDB listed below. Posting a promise not to use in roll is the foundation of this forum. Everything starts with posting your promise to your group (May '20) and the greater KTC community. We post roll early every day to eliminate the possibility of caving.
Your symptoms are typical for someone who has a deeply engrained addiction. The good news is that there are several people here who have been in your shoes and walked your path before you. Leaning on them may be the difference between a successful and non-successful quit. Based on the limited info you supplied, you may find my Intro (
https://ktcforum.org/index.php?topic=15758.0) helpful. I too had/have bouts of anxiety and depression, along with all the other fun stuff.
There is a lot of info to talk about but for now, concentrate on your quit. It is the most important thing in your life for the next several days. Drink lots of water, exercise, and read, read, read, as much as you can in this forum.