@Phillip Glad to see you made the decision to quit. What your feeling is normal as your body is going thru a major detox. Here at KTC we are a cold turkey crew, no nicotine substitutes what so ever. Here at KTC we are all about accountability so everyday we post roll and promise to your group everyday. Here is your group here
My suggestion would be to review the procedures and starting today post your name, days quit and your promise ex. NNT- No Nicotine Today. I also suggest reading up on the site and getting familiar with it. There is alot of info here to help you. There will be others reaching out also to welcome you and we like to share phone numbers. Thats for accountability for us to reach you but if you having a bad day its for you to reach out for help. Just a text or a call can help you on a real bad day. Only share your number and personal info thru a pm not here or on the website. If you want mine just pm me and they are yours, if not thats ok. But welcome aboard and glad to see you making what could be your biggest life change ever. Stay safe, stay strong and God bless.
Promises kept