Howdy from Texas, been chewing or dipping since 14, now 40 out of shape and have horrible reflux caused by snuff. Father passed because of esophageal carcinoma. So I figured it was time.
Last dip High noon, today.
Welcome to KTC, Warpig. You will not regret this decision, my friend. I'm GS9502/Matthew, and I'm at 209 days of freedom after 28 years of slavery to nicotine. Prepare yourself for a shitstorm of physical, mental, and emotional ups and downs for a while. Drink tons of water, get some fake dips, seeds, gum, whatever - just so long as it's nicotine and tobacco free. If you've been reading on the site, you know this is a Cold Turkey group of badass quitters. We embrace the suck from Day 1, and we ride the lightning of withdrawals by holding one another accountable for the promise we make to ourselves and to one another to stay quit for 24 hours at a time.
You've got 24 hours in you, right? I'm betting you do,
@Warpig. I'm betting you have more, but we ask only for 24 hours at a time. Do yourself a huge favor, and read all you can read on this site. It's an arsenal of knowledge and experience, inspiring and humbling. Drink it all in, my friend.
You say you're out of shape? Shit, join the club. It may get worse for a while; mine did. I satisfied my oral fixation with food for a while. Keep this in mind, though. Worry about and fight one battle at a time. You know you can get the weight off eventually. Get clean first; then focus on getting fit. You need your focus on kicking the nicodemon out of your life right now.
Who are you quitting for? If the answer isn't "myself," then you need to re-evaluate your priorities here. This has to be about you - your health, your life. That way, when you get mad at shit, when the fog hits and you can't think straight, when those cravings make you think bad shit, you can't blame it on anyone else. You're going through this because of YOUR addiction. Own it.
Post your promise tomorrow morning - early - and keep it all day. You should be in the
December group if you stayed true to your post and quit today. Tomorrow (Thursday) will be your Day 2. Get up, post up. We call it WUPP - Wake Up, Post, Piss.
You have good people here who want to see you succeed. Our formula is simple: Brotherhood + Accountability = Success. Take it ODAAT - One Day At A Time. Welcome to freedom.