@MikaZ By the way, 5 days on your own is incredible. It shows that with a little bit of help and accountability here, there is nothing you can't do. We make our promise not to use early every morning and work throughout the day to keep our word no matter what. Wake up and do it again tomorrow. Anyone can quit for 24 hours, just start string a couple of those together like you already have and the next thing you know, you are quit.
I'm proud to quit with you today sir.
You made the first step by coming here. Change that mind frame though, we don't hope to quit. We just quit. Dont put it in your mouth today. Figure out tomorrow tomorrow. Join up with the March 2021 quit group. All the quitters in that group will hit 100 days nicotine free in March 2021, as will you if you can make the decision to simply quit. It is a choice every day, one day at a time. Read as much as you can throughout the website to educate yourself about the addiction you want to quit. Everyone here has made that decision and we can help you on a daily basis when things get tough.