Author Topic: The Quit.  (Read 84252 times)

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Offline nick-Otine Free

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Re: The Quit.
« Reply #15 on: January 14, 2021, 07:42:28 AM »
Stay strong brother, it sucks but like you said landing a disease courtesy of chew would be mighty tough to stomach. Lean on the crew and the big guy upstairs. Proud to be quit with you today!
Amen brother, ODAAT helps keep me focus on a goal, all you guys here know how to get it done! i respect and honor that and i know soon enough ill be there as well. Let Your Quit Be Enough Today!
I may not be a smart man, but I know what quit is! -Quitest Gump-
     -Don't plan for the future, Quit for today!-
"The way to get started is to (quit) talking and begin doing." Walt Disney
~you cant plan your quit you just have to do it, both feet free fall.~
"Cowards die many times before their deaths, the Valiant never taste of death but once"
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Offline FullCurl

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Re: The Quit.
« Reply #14 on: January 13, 2021, 11:21:50 PM »
Stay strong brother, it sucks but like you said landing a disease courtesy of chew would be mighty tough to stomach. Lean on the crew and the big guy upstairs. Proud to be quit with you today!

Offline Keith0617

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Re: The Quit.
« Reply #13 on: January 12, 2021, 08:55:50 AM »
      Well here I am 2 weeks, (silent round of applause) yesterday and today my quit is really hard with craves. this goes to show you how fucking bad tobacco is for your life! 2 weeks and my mind-body-soul still crave a object. a object that will put me to a early grave. i know some people will read this and think (early grave? damn he is dramatic) if this is you saying this Than you don't have what it takes to quit. For me this is life or death shit !!!! i got 2 options 1)stay quit and live a life of purpose or 2) i start planning my early death at the age of 30. There is no middle ground for me because people that create a middle ground are people that make up bullshit excuses. so does my quit suck? it does  sucks really fucking bad and im still agitated and foggy brained and push through one day at a time for myself and my brothers on this very site. im choosing the pain of today over the death of tomorrow . i hope someone reads this that wants to quit ,and understand nothing in life is easy but everything is attainable with work and effort. NO MIDDLE GROUND !! LIFE or DEATH your choice.
Keep plowing ahead one day at a time. The light gets so much brighter at the end of the tunnel. You are killing it. Reach out if I can help.

Offline nick-Otine Free

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Re: The Quit.
« Reply #12 on: January 12, 2021, 08:16:20 AM »
      Well here I am 2 weeks, (silent round of applause) yesterday and today my quit is really hard with craves. this goes to show you how fucking bad tobacco is for your life! 2 weeks and my mind-body-soul still crave a object. a object that will put me to a early grave. i know some people will read this and think (early grave? damn he is dramatic) if this is you saying this Than you don't have what it takes to quit. For me this is life or death shit !!!! i got 2 options 1)stay quit and live a life of purpose or 2) i start planning my early death at the age of 30. There is no middle ground for me because people that create a middle ground are people that make up bullshit excuses. so does my quit suck? it does  sucks really fucking bad and im still agitated and foggy brained and push through one day at a time for myself and my brothers on this very site. im choosing the pain of today over the death of tomorrow . i hope someone reads this that wants to quit ,and understand nothing in life is easy but everything is attainable with work and effort. NO MIDDLE GROUND !! LIFE or DEATH your choice.
I may not be a smart man, but I know what quit is! -Quitest Gump-
     -Don't plan for the future, Quit for today!-
"The way to get started is to (quit) talking and begin doing." Walt Disney
~you cant plan your quit you just have to do it, both feet free fall.~
"Cowards die many times before their deaths, the Valiant never taste of death but once"
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Offline nick-Otine Free

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Re: The Quit.
« Reply #11 on: January 10, 2021, 02:02:37 PM »
    2020 was a damn hard year for me. And damn happy I left that whore of a can behind. It’s weird how well KTC is helping my quit. In 2020 I pushed though with a sign I hung on my mirror that said “ let whatever you do today be enough” funny how that same sign now relates to my Quit.                   As I sit foggy brained trying to figure out if I’m taking a shit or cooking dinner or if they are one in the same. As my jaw feels like last time you ran your shine into that trailer hitch (seen all you just relate to that pain) . As I get pissed off and wanna through my foot so far up your ass that your teeth begin to hurt (just so you can feel the pain before your quit) .     I go back to that sign on my mirror . And that sign is the same as KTC moto ODAAT (let today be enough) let your quit be enough for today. Tomorrow may or may not come but today, today was enough . Stay quit it’s just that simple .

Damn sure proud to quit with you today boiiiiii!!! Crush it!!!
MY MAN!!! We FuK’en killen this 12! LTBE
I may not be a smart man, but I know what quit is! -Quitest Gump-
     -Don't plan for the future, Quit for today!-
"The way to get started is to (quit) talking and begin doing." Walt Disney
~you cant plan your quit you just have to do it, both feet free fall.~
"Cowards die many times before their deaths, the Valiant never taste of death but once"
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Offline nick-Otine Free

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Re: The Quit.
« Reply #10 on: January 10, 2021, 02:00:55 PM »
    2020 was a damn hard year for me. And damn happy I left that whore of a can behind. It’s weird how well KTC is helping my quit. In 2020 I pushed though with a sign I hung on my mirror that said “ let whatever you do today be enough” funny how that same sign now relates to my Quit.                   As I sit foggy brained trying to figure out if I’m taking a shit or cooking dinner or if they are one in the same. As my jaw feels like last time you ran your shine into that trailer hitch (seen all you just relate to that pain) . As I get pissed off and wanna through my foot so far up your ass that your teeth begin to hurt (just so you can feel the pain before your quit) .     I go back to that sign on my mirror . And that sign is the same as KTC moto ODAAT (let today be enough) let your quit be enough for today. Tomorrow may or may not come but today, today was enough . Stay quit it’s just that simple .

Love it man.  I remember earlier in my quit when I'd get bogged down by thinking too far ahead.  How was I going to get through hockey season, a federal deployment, a day skiing or hiking.  Folks much smarter than myself in here told me to hold fast.  Tomorrow will work itself out when it comes.  YOU CAN QUIT TODAY!!  You are killing this Nick.  Love your attitude.  Love your message.  Love your attempt to engage and lead your group.  Keep it up and when things look bleak, use your tools and push through.  My number is always here if you need it.  Hold that line brother.
thanks HAG ! Appreciate it brother , hard work- works, I understand we all struggle and life sucks sometimes but suck that shit up and tighten down them boot straps. All your vets have been a huge help during so a trying time lol addiction is no joke anybody that’s says it was easy is a damn bold face liar .
I may not be a smart man, but I know what quit is! -Quitest Gump-
     -Don't plan for the future, Quit for today!-
"The way to get started is to (quit) talking and begin doing." Walt Disney
~you cant plan your quit you just have to do it, both feet free fall.~
"Cowards die many times before their deaths, the Valiant never taste of death but once"
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Re: The Quit.
« Reply #9 on: January 10, 2021, 01:26:54 PM »
    2020 was a damn hard year for me. And damn happy I left that whore of a can behind. It’s weird how well KTC is helping my quit. In 2020 I pushed though with a sign I hung on my mirror that said “ let whatever you do today be enough” funny how that same sign now relates to my Quit.                   As I sit foggy brained trying to figure out if I’m taking a shit or cooking dinner or if they are one in the same. As my jaw feels like last time you ran your shine into that trailer hitch (seen all you just relate to that pain) . As I get pissed off and wanna through my foot so far up your ass that your teeth begin to hurt (just so you can feel the pain before your quit) .     I go back to that sign on my mirror . And that sign is the same as KTC moto ODAAT (let today be enough) let your quit be enough for today. Tomorrow may or may not come but today, today was enough . Stay quit it’s just that simple .

Damn sure proud to quit with you today boiiiiii!!! Crush it!!!


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Re: The Quit.
« Reply #8 on: January 10, 2021, 11:35:18 AM »
    2020 was a damn hard year for me. And damn happy I left that whore of a can behind. It’s weird how well KTC is helping my quit. In 2020 I pushed though with a sign I hung on my mirror that said “ let whatever you do today be enough” funny how that same sign now relates to my Quit.                   As I sit foggy brained trying to figure out if I’m taking a shit or cooking dinner or if they are one in the same. As my jaw feels like last time you ran your shine into that trailer hitch (seen all you just relate to that pain) . As I get pissed off and wanna through my foot so far up your ass that your teeth begin to hurt (just so you can feel the pain before your quit) .     I go back to that sign on my mirror . And that sign is the same as KTC moto ODAAT (let today be enough) let your quit be enough for today. Tomorrow may or may not come but today, today was enough . Stay quit it’s just that simple .

Love it man.  I remember earlier in my quit when I'd get bogged down by thinking too far ahead.  How was I going to get through hockey season, a federal deployment, a day skiing or hiking.  Folks much smarter than myself in here told me to hold fast.  Tomorrow will work itself out when it comes.  YOU CAN QUIT TODAY!!  You are killing this Nick.  Love your attitude.  Love your message.  Love your attempt to engage and lead your group.  Keep it up and when things look bleak, use your tools and push through.  My number is always here if you need it.  Hold that line brother.

Offline nick-Otine Free

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Re: The Quit.
« Reply #7 on: January 10, 2021, 09:17:08 AM »
    2020 was a damn hard year for me. And damn happy I left that whore of a can behind. It’s weird how well KTC is helping my quit. In 2020 I pushed though with a sign I hung on my mirror that said “ let whatever you do today be enough” funny how that same sign now relates to my Quit.                   As I sit foggy brained trying to figure out if I’m taking a shit or cooking dinner or if they are one in the same. As my jaw feels like last time you ran your shine into that trailer hitch (seen all you just relate to that pain) . As I get pissed off and wanna through my foot so far up your ass that your teeth begin to hurt (just so you can feel the pain before your quit) .     I go back to that sign on my mirror . And that sign is the same as KTC moto ODAAT (let today be enough) let your quit be enough for today. Tomorrow may or may not come but today, today was enough . Stay quit it’s just that simple .
« Last Edit: January 10, 2021, 09:23:48 AM by nick-Otine Free »
I may not be a smart man, but I know what quit is! -Quitest Gump-
     -Don't plan for the future, Quit for today!-
"The way to get started is to (quit) talking and begin doing." Walt Disney
~you cant plan your quit you just have to do it, both feet free fall.~
"Cowards die many times before their deaths, the Valiant never taste of death but once"
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Offline nick-Otine Free

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Re: The Quit.
« Reply #6 on: January 09, 2021, 07:37:42 PM »
There Are No Strangers Here; Only Friends You Haven’t Yet Met
 IF at anytime you need someone to help during your quit, know that I am a pm away. I may not be far in my own quit but I damn sure will carry another brother/sista on my shoulder to success.  ( I may not be a smart man, but I know what quit is!) quietest Gump!
I may not be a smart man, but I know what quit is! -Quitest Gump-
     -Don't plan for the future, Quit for today!-
"The way to get started is to (quit) talking and begin doing." Walt Disney
~you cant plan your quit you just have to do it, both feet free fall.~
"Cowards die many times before their deaths, the Valiant never taste of death but once"
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Offline nick-Otine Free

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Re: The Quit.
« Reply #5 on: January 09, 2021, 05:55:50 PM »
Excellent stuff. Proud to be quit with you today.
Proud as an emmer effer to be quit with you.  There is NEVER a reason to cave.
Same to your brothers , I’d rather be upside down in a porter John in the middle of Texas summer than put that poisonous sludge cheek and gum! I ain’t nobody’s bitch but my own!
I may not be a smart man, but I know what quit is! -Quitest Gump-
     -Don't plan for the future, Quit for today!-
"The way to get started is to (quit) talking and begin doing." Walt Disney
~you cant plan your quit you just have to do it, both feet free fall.~
"Cowards die many times before their deaths, the Valiant never taste of death but once"
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Re: The Quit.
« Reply #4 on: January 09, 2021, 05:51:20 PM »
Excellent stuff. Proud to be quit with you today.
Proud as an emmer effer to be quit with you.  There is NEVER a reason to cave.
Just one is right back to where you were and where you were was desperately wishing you were where you are now.- Via Flip
"But KNOW that quitting every day means that eventually you'll have to quit on the day Lassie kicks the bucket" - ZAM
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Re: The Quit.
« Reply #3 on: January 09, 2021, 08:53:09 AM »
Excellent stuff. Proud to be quit with you today.
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Offline nick-Otine Free

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Re: The Quit.
« Reply #2 on: January 08, 2021, 06:31:53 PM »
Today is 10 days tobacco and nicotine free. I’m not gonna lie quitting is fucking tough. You eat (sometimes sleep) and shit- agitation, headaches , sore mouth, rage, fog, dizziness. But I know I can handle it. Why you ask? Because I choose my WHY to quit. and I’m angry like a lion full of fucking rage that a stupid ass can in my pocket control my life. Sure I’ve did my solo stoppages like I’m sure all addicts have. But so far The KTC way is helping me beyond measure minus some of the bullshit drama going on in my group. ODAAT. I can see how brotherhood-accountability-respect keeps people free for the day. Humans are incredible creatures and we can do what ever the hell we want if we put our minds to it! So why not put your mind into quitting! Why not put your mind into saving your life! Why not put your mind into not letting your family down. Anyone can do it , stop making excuses, stop being a pussy. O I’m going to quit tomorrow! Bullshit we all know it take that weak ass shit home! Man up , get angry , realize it fucking sucks and it’s painful and agitating but pals in comparison to the alternative. 6ft under in a fucking pine box at 40-50-60 whatever why your family looks down at you wishing you would have listen to their pleas when you were alive. What’s your WHY? Mines I want my Freedom! My life! I wanna spread light to others and as I reach further in my quit I wanna swing back and bring someone up with me ! I reach one!-I teach one! This is how humans are wired we are social animals and need brotherhood/sisterhood to push past certain aspects of our lives. I Know KTC is doing it for me at just day 10 . believe It can help you to!
I may not be a smart man, but I know what quit is! -Quitest Gump-
     -Don't plan for the future, Quit for today!-
"The way to get started is to (quit) talking and begin doing." Walt Disney
~you cant plan your quit you just have to do it, both feet free fall.~
"Cowards die many times before their deaths, the Valiant never taste of death but once"
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Offline nick-Otine Free

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The Quit.
« on: January 08, 2021, 01:24:57 PM »
For any of you Lurkers trying to decide if you wanna quit today! here is a great quote i found here at KTC

  "ITS A DECISION. You decided to quit? then quit Dammit. Choices have consequences and rewards. To quit means to face withdrawl, it requires the confrontation of triggers without using nicotine. It will not always be easy,but get over it. This is the price you pay to earn your freedom.Besides, what have you ever earned of value that was easy? ( Besides Bubba's undying love) . it won't always be hard either, so look forward to that. You learn to live life without a chemical addiction.The reward is bigger than High School Hope's ever expanding ass. Better relationships, your self respect, freedom, control, health, perhaps your very life. Maybe the next dip is the one that kills you?"

    There is alot of great tools here to help save your life, and some bad ass people that help you stay Quit. here At KTC we do Things ODAAT (one day at a time) thats it , that simple. come join us on roll in the april 2021 Group. dont plan for the future quit for today.
I may not be a smart man, but I know what quit is! -Quitest Gump-
     -Don't plan for the future, Quit for today!-
"The way to get started is to (quit) talking and begin doing." Walt Disney
~you cant plan your quit you just have to do it, both feet free fall.~
"Cowards die many times before their deaths, the Valiant never taste of death but once"
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