For any of you Lurkers trying to decide if you wanna quit today! here is a great quote i found here at KTC
"ITS A DECISION. You decided to quit? then quit Dammit. Choices have consequences and rewards. To quit means to face withdrawl, it requires the confrontation of triggers without using nicotine. It will not always be easy,but get over it. This is the price you pay to earn your freedom.Besides, what have you ever earned of value that was easy? ( Besides Bubba's undying love) . it won't always be hard either, so look forward to that. You learn to live life without a chemical addiction.The reward is bigger than High School Hope's ever expanding ass. Better relationships, your self respect, freedom, control, health, perhaps your very life. Maybe the next dip is the one that kills you?"
There is alot of great tools here to help save your life, and some bad ass people that help you stay Quit. here At KTC we do Things ODAAT (one day at a time) thats it , that simple. come join us on roll in the april 2021 Group. dont plan for the future quit for today.