Author Topic: Finally posting roll  (Read 29686 times)

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Offline Bert75

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Re: Finally posting roll
« Reply #58 on: March 30, 2021, 09:47:27 AM »
Day 98. Just two days until the HOF. starting my quit feels like it was a lifetime ago. Never day 1 again. This site has helped tremendously in my quit. I would easily be 1000x more anxious and miserable if not for KTC and the brotherhood that has helped me through it all
never day 1 again is right!!! With you all the way macattack

Way to keep it rolling macattack!  You got this!

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Re: Finally posting roll
« Reply #57 on: March 30, 2021, 09:44:33 AM »
Day 98. Just two days until the HOF. starting my quit feels like it was a lifetime ago. Never day 1 again. This site has helped tremendously in my quit. I would easily be 1000x more anxious and miserable if not for KTC and the brotherhood that has helped me through it all
never day 1 again is right!!! With you all the way macattack
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Offline macattack

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Re: Finally posting roll
« Reply #56 on: March 30, 2021, 09:04:38 AM »
Day 98. Just two days until the HOF. starting my quit feels like it was a lifetime ago. Never day 1 again. This site has helped tremendously in my quit. I would easily be 1000x more anxious and miserable if not for KTC and the brotherhood that has helped me through it all
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Offline Thefranks5

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Re: Finally posting roll
« Reply #55 on: March 23, 2021, 04:52:30 PM »
Allergies hitting me like a brick, congested head. On top of that I have been sleeping weird so my neck is super stiff aside from that going through a rainbow period in my quit.
Have your tried sleeping on your back?

tried that last night. not so sore today. would just love a day where I feel like I'm 100%. Feel like my body is breaking down now that I am over 30
Wait till your 51 brother. 6 hours on my feet at Disney is essentially torture; and cruel and unusual punishment
I never realized how much worry and anxiety I had. Every little pain or itch I have my mind automatically goes to worst case scenario. I don't remember ever having this mindset pre-quit
Your body is just adjusting to the new normal - it is a process. I know it is hard to hear, but give it time. The new you is going to be the best version ever. I still remember the times you are experiencing. That is why I WUPP EDD, I am never going back. The light will get brighter and the new norm will put a smile on your face. Just going to have to patience my brother and trust the process.

I never am going back. all the stress I have now isn't worth it, there are also countless other reasons why I will never go back. I just never realized what healing would actually be like. The idea I had of what quitting would be like is totally different than what has happened over the past 91 days
Quitting proved that I suffered from silent reflux which I finally have somewhat under control. I daily deal with the phlegm feeling with sinus congestion which also gives me a stick neck on the worst days. Not sure if that is something you might be dealing with or not. If you check out there is a test there that you can take that will help you figure out if you might suffer from it or not. I second Keith as you will go thru changes for a while as I had to also. Even at 384 days I have massive craves and anxiety attacks which I never had before. Wish you well my friend and will be praying for ya.


Offline macattack

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Re: Finally posting roll
« Reply #54 on: March 23, 2021, 01:00:19 PM »
Allergies hitting me like a brick, congested head. On top of that I have been sleeping weird so my neck is super stiff aside from that going through a rainbow period in my quit.
Have your tried sleeping on your back?

tried that last night. not so sore today. would just love a day where I feel like I'm 100%. Feel like my body is breaking down now that I am over 30
Wait till your 51 brother. 6 hours on my feet at Disney is essentially torture; and cruel and unusual punishment
I never realized how much worry and anxiety I had. Every little pain or itch I have my mind automatically goes to worst case scenario. I don't remember ever having this mindset pre-quit
Your body is just adjusting to the new normal - it is a process. I know it is hard to hear, but give it time. The new you is going to be the best version ever. I still remember the times you are experiencing. That is why I WUPP EDD, I am never going back. The light will get brighter and the new norm will put a smile on your face. Just going to have to patience my brother and trust the process.

I never am going back. all the stress I have now isn't worth it, there are also countless other reasons why I will never go back. I just never realized what healing would actually be like. The idea I had of what quitting would be like is totally different than what has happened over the past 91 days
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Offline Keith0617

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Re: Finally posting roll
« Reply #53 on: March 23, 2021, 11:26:16 AM »
Allergies hitting me like a brick, congested head. On top of that I have been sleeping weird so my neck is super stiff aside from that going through a rainbow period in my quit.
Have your tried sleeping on your back?

tried that last night. not so sore today. would just love a day where I feel like I'm 100%. Feel like my body is breaking down now that I am over 30
Wait till your 51 brother. 6 hours on my feet at Disney is essentially torture; and cruel and unusual punishment
I never realized how much worry and anxiety I had. Every little pain or itch I have my mind automatically goes to worst case scenario. I don't remember ever having this mindset pre-quit
Your body is just adjusting to the new normal - it is a process. I know it is hard to hear, but give it time. The new you is going to be the best version ever. I still remember the times you are experiencing. That is why I WUPP EDD, I am never going back. The light will get brighter and the new norm will put a smile on your face. Just going to have to patience my brother and trust the process.


Offline macattack

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Re: Finally posting roll
« Reply #52 on: March 23, 2021, 10:04:27 AM »
Allergies hitting me like a brick, congested head. On top of that I have been sleeping weird so my neck is super stiff aside from that going through a rainbow period in my quit.
Have your tried sleeping on your back?

tried that last night. not so sore today. would just love a day where I feel like I'm 100%. Feel like my body is breaking down now that I am over 30
Wait till your 51 brother. 6 hours on my feet at Disney is essentially torture; and cruel and unusual punishment
I never realized how much worry and anxiety I had. Every little pain or itch I have my mind automatically goes to worst case scenario. I don't remember ever having this mindset pre-quit
« Last Edit: March 23, 2021, 10:17:52 AM by macattack »
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Offline 69franx

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Re: Finally posting roll
« Reply #51 on: March 22, 2021, 05:15:43 PM »
Allergies hitting me like a brick, congested head. On top of that I have been sleeping weird so my neck is super stiff aside from that going through a rainbow period in my quit.
Have your tried sleeping on your back?

tried that last night. not so sore today. would just love a day where I feel like I'm 100%. Feel like my body is breaking down now that I am over 30
Wait till your 51 brother. 6 hours on my feet at Disney is essentially torture; and cruel and unusual punishment
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Offline macattack

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Re: Finally posting roll
« Reply #50 on: March 22, 2021, 03:25:58 PM »
probably feeling right now the best I have felt in several days *knock on wood.
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Offline macattack

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Re: Finally posting roll
« Reply #49 on: March 22, 2021, 09:20:49 AM »
Allergies hitting me like a brick, congested head. On top of that I have been sleeping weird so my neck is super stiff aside from that going through a rainbow period in my quit.
Have your tried sleeping on your back?

tried that last night. not so sore today. would just love a day where I feel like I'm 100%. Feel like my body is breaking down now that I am over 30
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Offline nick-Otine Free

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Re: Finally posting roll
« Reply #48 on: March 22, 2021, 09:10:32 AM »
Allergies hitting me like a brick, congested head. On top of that I have been sleeping weird so my neck is super stiff aside from that going through a rainbow period in my quit.
Have your tried sleeping on your back?
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Offline macattack

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Re: Finally posting roll
« Reply #47 on: March 22, 2021, 08:51:29 AM »
Allergies hitting me like a brick, congested head. On top of that I have been sleeping weird so my neck is super stiff aside from that going through a rainbow period in my quit.
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Offline Hill_Monkey

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Re: Finally posting roll
« Reply #46 on: March 18, 2021, 02:18:57 PM »
the hold this addiction and the nic b*tch has on you is amazing....I feel like I have more cravings now than I did when I first quit. The fog might have been a factor then, but the last two weeks I've had cravings what feels like every two days
Also what I thought cravings would be like and what they are actually like are two different things. I thought they’d be more mental (at times they can be) but I’ve had a lot of physical cravings of my mouth feeling off until I throw fake dip in and then things feel fine afterwards
I'm 158 days in and my mouth is still fucky. I don't get why.

I would assume that our mouth/mind still isn't used to not doing something we did for years/decades. Plenty of veterans attest it does get better. I'm just amazed and how my body has reacted. I always assumed in the past, quitting would entail being stronger than a mental urge but its been so much more than that

Just don't go wandering off into the woods for 3 days like WrestlingAddiction did. 

I will tell you that the years of damage we did to our mouths and bodies is going to take a hell of a lot longer to correct than 100, 200 days.  I would bet that there is a mathematical formula for it. 

Way to keep holding the line Mac!  You are a beacon of light for all of us quitters.  We all feel/felt those same pains.

It gets better.  Trust me.  PTBQWYT.

378 days for me and I still feel that way with the mouth. I had actually quit fake for a month in my early 200's to get my reflux in check and that was just as bad as first 30 days. I like to have the fake but it does instigate my reflux from either the cayenne in smokey mountain or the vinegar in baccoff. I had a vet in the comma club tell me he even has the fog and craves show up so it happens. It does get easier and I know because now I can fight thru even without the fake but it does make it better. Keep pushing thru knowing that it gets better and will be easier. Keep posting here and don't be afraid to reach out to others if you have their digits. Find an outlet even if it distracts you for a few minutes and set goals for yourself. I drive alot for my job and I had set mileage goals the first year because staring at that windshield really sucked for distractions. We have some great people here that are willing to help and if you need anything let me know. Now I will copy what Jeff did and put my name below which I like as its more personal that way.

y’all are some badass quitters , we in the suck and that’s sucks #suckon Mac suckon!                                   -nick-
I’m kinda diggin’ this little convo. It 100% reminds us old heads of that part of quitting we do NOT want to have to deal with again!

Funks suck.
Healing sucks.
White knuckling sucks.

But as has been said... if you want freedom from this you have to pay the price. What you guys are going through is forging your quit for the rest of your lives and... your personality in a way that will constantly be revealing itself. Each quitters timeline is so different. I wish there WAS a sharply defined timeline we could get out there... it certainly would feel better than just a “hang in there” sometimes but... life ain’t tidy like that.

It gets better.
It really does.
And in ways that will surprise you.

I finally felt solid close to the time I hit 500ish. Like... ok, yeah, this is easy. This is goooood. I’m about a HOF away from 3,000 right now and let me tell ya... it’s no effort to be quit. I’m done “quitting”... I’m Quit. Easy is the wrong word anymore because, like you guys are doing now, I put in the work and I mucked through the suck and I owned it. Easy? Nah... normal. The new normal, I guess.

Anyway... I ramble. Rock on, bros. QLF.

Some days are better than others. But that's how life is in general. I'm still adjusting to the new normal and adjusting to it. glad to be apart of this brotherhood. for sure don't ever want to have to deal with this ever again and I am still in the midst of it.
It does get better. We conditioned our bodies to want the dip, and the dip conditioned our minds to need the nicotine. Man, it's a wicked cycle. We do it because. I couldn't tell you the last time I got that good relaxed, almost buzzing feeling from dip. It was years, I'm sure, mainly because I never let myself go too long without a dip. Not even while I was asleep.

You may be in the midst of a royal mindfuck right now. The Nic bitch is crazy; she's whispering in your ear one minute, tickling your lip the next, and winding up to punch you in the skull when you don't give in.

Don't listen to the whisper. Ignore that tickle. Take that beating. With every daily promise, with every HOF speech read, with every text with a KTC brother or sister, you are getting stronger and solidifying your quit. You're right. Day 1 again? Fuck that. Be here, where you are, today. That's all that matters. PTBQWY.

Good info, thanks for chiming in vets.

Offline macattack

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Re: Finally posting roll
« Reply #45 on: March 18, 2021, 01:42:21 PM »
the hold this addiction and the nic b*tch has on you is amazing....I feel like I have more cravings now than I did when I first quit. The fog might have been a factor then, but the last two weeks I've had cravings what feels like every two days
Also what I thought cravings would be like and what they are actually like are two different things. I thought they’d be more mental (at times they can be) but I’ve had a lot of physical cravings of my mouth feeling off until I throw fake dip in and then things feel fine afterwards
I'm 158 days in and my mouth is still fucky. I don't get why.

I would assume that our mouth/mind still isn't used to not doing something we did for years/decades. Plenty of veterans attest it does get better. I'm just amazed and how my body has reacted. I always assumed in the past, quitting would entail being stronger than a mental urge but its been so much more than that

Just don't go wandering off into the woods for 3 days like WrestlingAddiction did. 

I will tell you that the years of damage we did to our mouths and bodies is going to take a hell of a lot longer to correct than 100, 200 days.  I would bet that there is a mathematical formula for it. 

Way to keep holding the line Mac!  You are a beacon of light for all of us quitters.  We all feel/felt those same pains.

It gets better.  Trust me.  PTBQWYT.

378 days for me and I still feel that way with the mouth. I had actually quit fake for a month in my early 200's to get my reflux in check and that was just as bad as first 30 days. I like to have the fake but it does instigate my reflux from either the cayenne in smokey mountain or the vinegar in baccoff. I had a vet in the comma club tell me he even has the fog and craves show up so it happens. It does get easier and I know because now I can fight thru even without the fake but it does make it better. Keep pushing thru knowing that it gets better and will be easier. Keep posting here and don't be afraid to reach out to others if you have their digits. Find an outlet even if it distracts you for a few minutes and set goals for yourself. I drive alot for my job and I had set mileage goals the first year because staring at that windshield really sucked for distractions. We have some great people here that are willing to help and if you need anything let me know. Now I will copy what Jeff did and put my name below which I like as its more personal that way.

y’all are some badass quitters , we in the suck and that’s sucks #suckon Mac suckon!                                   -nick-
I’m kinda diggin’ this little convo. It 100% reminds us old heads of that part of quitting we do NOT want to have to deal with again!

Funks suck.
Healing sucks.
White knuckling sucks.

But as has been said... if you want freedom from this you have to pay the price. What you guys are going through is forging your quit for the rest of your lives and... your personality in a way that will constantly be revealing itself. Each quitters timeline is so different. I wish there WAS a sharply defined timeline we could get out there... it certainly would feel better than just a “hang in there” sometimes but... life ain’t tidy like that.

It gets better.
It really does.
And in ways that will surprise you.

I finally felt solid close to the time I hit 500ish. Like... ok, yeah, this is easy. This is goooood. I’m about a HOF away from 3,000 right now and let me tell ya... it’s no effort to be quit. I’m done “quitting”... I’m Quit. Easy is the wrong word anymore because, like you guys are doing now, I put in the work and I mucked through the suck and I owned it. Easy? Nah... normal. The new normal, I guess.

Anyway... I ramble. Rock on, bros. QLF.

Some days are better than others. But that's how life is in general. I'm still adjusting to the new normal and adjusting to it. glad to be apart of this brotherhood. for sure don't ever want to have to deal with this ever again and I am still in the midst of it.
It does get better. We conditioned our bodies to want the dip, and the dip conditioned our minds to need the nicotine. Man, it's a wicked cycle. We do it because. I couldn't tell you the last time I got that good relaxed, almost buzzing feeling from dip. It was years, I'm sure, mainly because I never let myself go too long without a dip. Not even while I was asleep.

You may be in the midst of a royal mindfuck right now. The Nic bitch is crazy; she's whispering in your ear one minute, tickling your lip the next, and winding up to punch you in the skull when you don't give in.

Don't listen to the whisper. Ignore that tickle. Take that beating. With every daily promise, with every HOF speech read, with every text with a KTC brother or sister, you are getting stronger and solidifying your quit. You're right. Day 1 again? Fuck that. Be here, where you are, today. That's all that matters. PTBQWY.

Fuck Day 1 100% Experiencing the quit so far has been enough to last me 100 lifetimes. I don't want to be a slave to the nic b*tch, a dead plant or experience any of that all over again
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Re: Finally posting roll
« Reply #44 on: March 18, 2021, 01:19:14 PM »
the hold this addiction and the nic b*tch has on you is amazing....I feel like I have more cravings now than I did when I first quit. The fog might have been a factor then, but the last two weeks I've had cravings what feels like every two days
Also what I thought cravings would be like and what they are actually like are two different things. I thought they’d be more mental (at times they can be) but I’ve had a lot of physical cravings of my mouth feeling off until I throw fake dip in and then things feel fine afterwards
I'm 158 days in and my mouth is still fucky. I don't get why.

I would assume that our mouth/mind still isn't used to not doing something we did for years/decades. Plenty of veterans attest it does get better. I'm just amazed and how my body has reacted. I always assumed in the past, quitting would entail being stronger than a mental urge but its been so much more than that

Just don't go wandering off into the woods for 3 days like WrestlingAddiction did. 

I will tell you that the years of damage we did to our mouths and bodies is going to take a hell of a lot longer to correct than 100, 200 days.  I would bet that there is a mathematical formula for it. 

Way to keep holding the line Mac!  You are a beacon of light for all of us quitters.  We all feel/felt those same pains.

It gets better.  Trust me.  PTBQWYT.

378 days for me and I still feel that way with the mouth. I had actually quit fake for a month in my early 200's to get my reflux in check and that was just as bad as first 30 days. I like to have the fake but it does instigate my reflux from either the cayenne in smokey mountain or the vinegar in baccoff. I had a vet in the comma club tell me he even has the fog and craves show up so it happens. It does get easier and I know because now I can fight thru even without the fake but it does make it better. Keep pushing thru knowing that it gets better and will be easier. Keep posting here and don't be afraid to reach out to others if you have their digits. Find an outlet even if it distracts you for a few minutes and set goals for yourself. I drive alot for my job and I had set mileage goals the first year because staring at that windshield really sucked for distractions. We have some great people here that are willing to help and if you need anything let me know. Now I will copy what Jeff did and put my name below which I like as its more personal that way.

y’all are some badass quitters , we in the suck and that’s sucks #suckon Mac suckon!                                   -nick-
I’m kinda diggin’ this little convo. It 100% reminds us old heads of that part of quitting we do NOT want to have to deal with again!

Funks suck.
Healing sucks.
White knuckling sucks.

But as has been said... if you want freedom from this you have to pay the price. What you guys are going through is forging your quit for the rest of your lives and... your personality in a way that will constantly be revealing itself. Each quitters timeline is so different. I wish there WAS a sharply defined timeline we could get out there... it certainly would feel better than just a “hang in there” sometimes but... life ain’t tidy like that.

It gets better.
It really does.
And in ways that will surprise you.

I finally felt solid close to the time I hit 500ish. Like... ok, yeah, this is easy. This is goooood. I’m about a HOF away from 3,000 right now and let me tell ya... it’s no effort to be quit. I’m done “quitting”... I’m Quit. Easy is the wrong word anymore because, like you guys are doing now, I put in the work and I mucked through the suck and I owned it. Easy? Nah... normal. The new normal, I guess.

Anyway... I ramble. Rock on, bros. QLF.

Some days are better than others. But that's how life is in general. I'm still adjusting to the new normal and adjusting to it. glad to be apart of this brotherhood. for sure don't ever want to have to deal with this ever again and I am still in the midst of it.
It does get better. We conditioned our bodies to want the dip, and the dip conditioned our minds to need the nicotine. Man, it's a wicked cycle. We do it because. I couldn't tell you the last time I got that good relaxed, almost buzzing feeling from dip. It was years, I'm sure, mainly because I never let myself go too long without a dip. Not even while I was asleep.

You may be in the midst of a royal mindfuck right now. The Nic bitch is crazy; she's whispering in your ear one minute, tickling your lip the next, and winding up to punch you in the skull when you don't give in.

Don't listen to the whisper. Ignore that tickle. Take that beating. With every daily promise, with every HOF speech read, with every text with a KTC brother or sister, you are getting stronger and solidifying your quit. You're right. Day 1 again? Fuck that. Be here, where you are, today. That's all that matters. PTBQWY.
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