I've done it before, but this will be the last time.
I've been on Killthecan.org countless times during my countless quits, I figure its time to finally join the forum and do this for real.
I've been on and off with nicotine for about 11-12 years now. Started with cigs, tried vaping-was allergic, switched to dip cause it was easier to hide.
It seems my pattern is quitting for a month or two, then my dumbass brain goes "see you did it!, you can do just a little now." Then I'm back to it again.
Grizzly wintergreen pouches were my jam. I'd do 4 at a time between 4-8 times a day. Why 4? I don't fukin' know... because it was "better" than 1?
Anyway, I'm at 52 days right now. I've had ups and downs over the past month and a half, but the last couple days I feel low as hell. Almost like a hollowness in my head behind my eyes, and just a super shitty attitude. I can still feel my gums and lips tingling and throbbing slightly almost like they are begging for a dip. Does anyone else get that?
@Addictx3. Is this the first time you created an account on the forum here?
To start, I want to stay that you never quit before. You merely stopped. And this quit won't be your "last time". It will be your first and only QUIT.
Your story is like countless others here. 52 days on your own is pretty impressive. By joining here though, you are committing to posting your promise each and every day right away when you wake up. This is called roll and it's your promise to not ingest nicotine in any form for the next 24 hours. We don't worry about quitting for tomorrow or next week or next month. We quit TODAY. Anyone can quit for one day.
Post roll.
Honor your word.
Not always easy but it is that simple. I'll have to do some math to find your group. I'll post the link here in a few once I figure it out. But once we find your home group, start to network by sharing your digits using the "My Messages" feature in the top tool bar. None of us were able to quit on our own. But together, we are able to succeed. Accountability + Brotherhood = Success. Embrace it. Live it. Breathe it.
Finally (for now), the symptoms you describe are incredibly common at this point in your quit. You have to power through man. Drink water, exercise, reach out to brothers for support. You are in the right place.
EDIT: I did it quick but if today is Day 52 for you, that would put you in the
July 2021 Group. Get in there and post roll! My quick math put your quit date on March 16th. Here we count your Day 1 as the day you took your last dip.