Hello Fellow Quitters,
This is my second hall of fame speech. Dip has been in my life since I was 17. I am now 55. I was in the Army for 25 years and served as Department of the Army Civilian for another 8 1/2 years. So, 33 1/2 years total. I have quit a totally of 4 times in my life not to include this time. The first three were relatively short and really not worthing talking about. The fourth was when I found this site in 2012. I loved KTC and made the HOF but like a lot of folks I quit posting on the board after a while. I thought I was good and didn't need anyone or anything to get through this quit. I was quit for almost a year. I even went to the dentist and spent almost 20K to have my teeth fixed. What an investment right? Why not? I wasn't going to put that shit in my mouth again right?
Now some folks might think, "Wow" a year that is pretty good. It is pretty good but the Nic Bitch is always around lurking. It tells you things like "You can have just one", "You can control it", You won't dip like you used to." Sadly enough I really thought that. Needless to say I was right back on the "Can a day addiction." Dip will control you if you let it. Like many of you I have done some nasty things with dip from spilling spit can's on myself, in my car, and my wife actually accidentally drinking my spit cans. She has nagged me to quit but it really wasn't until she retired a couple of years ago that she was on me more to quit. I had to quit for myself. You can never quit for someone else.
Fast Forward 2021. I started a career change. I am working in the funeral business now. I am going to school full time to become a funeral director and embalmer and I also work at two funeral homes part time. Seeing death everyday made me realize that we live such a short time in reality and I want to be here as long as I can so dip needs to go away. In October I found this site again and I knew that I would answer for my cave. I was prepared to take it and the accountability. This site has grown and the bond between everyone is different from what it was back in 2012.
@BrianBrianBrian You are correct you get what you put into this. I am all in to this board and to my quit brothers and sisters. I went to the dentist this past week and I am blessed that I have no disease in my mouth and just need to floss more. Some are not so lucky. I wake up everyday and thank the good Lord that I get another day. I get another day to spend it dip free with my family and friends.
Making the HOF is an achievement but we are never done. It is still waking up, posting, and taking it one day at a time. As I learned from first quit, the little voice in your head and brain doesn't go away. It might stay dormant for awhile but it's there and you need people and support to get through it. I personally want to thank my January Jackhammers 22 that made it to the HOF
@CharliBluff1032 @daCking15 @IvanK @Greller87 @Mofro19 @Eddy2132 @NavinRJohnson @rjsald0125 @Govtrap. I hope I didn't miss anyone. I will be continuing my post in this group and future groups to help future quitters. There is nothing out that for us but this group.
Never Quit, Never Quit, Never Quit.