MN/2,755 - sunny and beautiful here in central MN today; it's a great day to be QUIT.
Keith0617 1862 Same here in MD
Day 151.
Came back from deer camp early for 2 reasons. First reason is I’m tired of all the wind and freezing rain and second my withdrawal came back full force. I had close to a week of pretty good days but I woke up Tuesday morning with the tingles and as I felt that I knew my window of good days was about to slam shut. Yesterday go bad after breakfast and it has only gotten worse since. Severe head pressure with apathy and anxiety. I have lost interest in life itself but I know this will pass but to have a few wonderful days and then have life ripped away from you again is so hard. Fucking nicotine needs to be outlawed. What a horrible chemical. So here we are back in withdrawals.
I promise not to dip today.
Sorry to hear Steve. Everyone is different and I don't want to give you a false 'goal', but it wasn't until after the 200 day mark for me that things started to improve. Glad to hear you had a string of good days; I hope you enjoyed them and that they will give you the motivation to power through this rough patch. Proud to be quit with you TODAY.
worktowin 3,973. Steve, welcome home!
I don't know if you remember my timeline, but I didn't start "living" again until day 150. You are right there. You are now to the point where life isn't a CONSTANT struggle, and rather where you have good days and good times and it doesn't feel like you are in a trench fighting and not moving an inch forward 100% of the time. Remember, you have had some good days. Not that long ago that was not the case. So enjoy and remember the wins, because you have more coming ahead and this does get easier. It already has, it is just hard to remember that when you are in the moment. I'm honored to quit with you and the other winners on your team, bro. Hang in there. I promise that we do know what we are talking about.