Author Topic: 120 days nicotine free  (Read 7878 times)

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Re: 120 days nicotine free
« Reply #2 on: May 09, 2024, 09:27:21 AM »
Hey guys,
My name is Brock. I’m 28 years old, I’ve dipped from the time I was 19 or so is when I’d say I started, but other than that I may have taken a pinch from a buddy while duck hunting every once in a while when I was 17. I would dip 1/4 of a can or so a day up until about 4 years ago then it got up to about 1/2 a can a day.I’m gonna say I quit roughly 120 days ago because I know it was the first week in January that I touch a pinch for the last time. In November of 2023 I switched from Copenhagen long cut mint to zyn cool mint nic pouches. The zyns only lasted a month or so, I hated them but it seemed like a better choice than dip. Well I quit them in December, just quit it all. Christmas Day I caught myself bumming a dip from my father in law. Well towards the beginning of November I notice the inside of my cheeks on both sides were rough like I’d been chewing on them in my sleep possibly. Pretty sure it was due to my mouth changing from not having big pinches of dip in my cheeks plus at this time my dad was on life support and we weren’t sure he was gonna make it or not so I was pretty stressed out. He did pull through after almost 6 months in hospitals and 4 of them being on a ventilator. Well the rough spots where I think it’s from chewing on my cheeks are still there. And in the last 3 weeks or so I’ve noticed I’ve got little dots that I can only feel with my tongue and cannot see nor can my wife see them with a flashlight. They are in the very back corner of my right cheek. Don’t really hurt but is aggravating knowing they are there. I’m currently offshore for about another week but I am planning on going see a dentist when I get back on land. I’m kind of wondering if it isn’t from me constantly licking the inside of cheek to check to to see if the cheek bites are better, or if it’s something serious, and if anyone hahah similar things going on. Sorry for the rambling just kind of nervous. And having all of my family say it’s nothing and is probably from stress is t helping any. Thank y’all for any input. Hopefully I can get to the dentist next week and it’s nothing major. My teeth look very good and my gums are in pretty good shape also.
Congrats on ~120 days nicotine free!! It's a heck of a journey to do solo; I'd encourage you to head over to our Discord channel and get plugged into a quit group where you will find a wealth of support, accountability, and resources to help you as you build and protect your quit.

No one here can offer any medical advice but what we typically tell people is to go get it checked out! It's better to know and having it looked at will provide some peace of mind. What I can say is that weird mouth stuff (i.e. spots, patches, bumps, etc.) are incredibly common during the early part of most peoples' quits. Start with a dentist visit and if they deem it necessary, they will refer you to a specialist for further evaluation. One step at a time.

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Offline Brock95

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120 days nicotine free
« on: May 08, 2024, 09:39:58 PM »
Hey guys,
My name is Brock. I’m 28 years old, I’ve dipped from the time I was 19 or so is when I’d say I started, but other than that I may have taken a pinch from a buddy while duck hunting every once in a while when I was 17. I would dip 1/4 of a can or so a day up until about 4 years ago then it got up to about 1/2 a can a day.I’m gonna say I quit roughly 120 days ago because I know it was the first week in January that I touch a pinch for the last time. In November of 2023 I switched from Copenhagen long cut mint to zyn cool mint nic pouches. The zyns only lasted a month or so, I hated them but it seemed like a better choice than dip. Well I quit them in December, just quit it all. Christmas Day I caught myself bumming a dip from my father in law. Well towards the beginning of November I notice the inside of my cheeks on both sides were rough like I’d been chewing on them in my sleep possibly. Pretty sure it was due to my mouth changing from not having big pinches of dip in my cheeks plus at this time my dad was on life support and we weren’t sure he was gonna make it or not so I was pretty stressed out. He did pull through after almost 6 months in hospitals and 4 of them being on a ventilator. Well the rough spots where I think it’s from chewing on my cheeks are still there. And in the last 3 weeks or so I’ve noticed I’ve got little dots that I can only feel with my tongue and cannot see nor can my wife see them with a flashlight. They are in the very back corner of my right cheek. Don’t really hurt but is aggravating knowing they are there. I’m currently offshore for about another week but I am planning on going see a dentist when I get back on land. I’m kind of wondering if it isn’t from me constantly licking the inside of cheek to check to to see if the cheek bites are better, or if it’s something serious, and if anyone hahah similar things going on. Sorry for the rambling just kind of nervous. And having all of my family say it’s nothing and is probably from stress is t helping any. Thank y’all for any input. Hopefully I can get to the dentist next week and it’s nothing major. My teeth look very good and my gums are in pretty good shape also.