I quit 6 hours ago. Still didn't want to post day 1. How do I know I won't use?
Is your word worth a shit?
If so, post your promise you won't use for today. Today is 2 1/2 hours long if you're east coast.
You can do anything for 2 1/2 hours.
Or, are you a big puss?
Your new and the fog is starting but your not understanding so many things here. I will try to simplify it for you.
There is a shit load of people on this site that have made the same decision you should today. I've done it, the guy above me has done it, and hundreds of others have done it for today.
Are you going to let the addict inside you control your decisions or are you going to be a real man that doesn't hide from his bitch ass self by throwing cancer in his lip?
You decide. You post roll first thing when you wake up as a promise that no matter what the fuck happens you WILL NOT CAVE.
Do it, don't be a cupcake. Quit now. Post roll now. Your not a special butterfly that will have a harder time quitting than any of the other hundreds or thousands of people who do it every day on this site.
Your just like us, we are just like you, we know how it feels.... We know how it can be done. Post roll and give us the chance to help.