Author Topic: General Discussion - 2012  (Read 97760 times)

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Offline jake72

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  • Interests: My family and my Harley.I joined this site in March of 2012, it took me until December 2012 to finally quit, suck it up and post roll. I had won win I hit 100 right? So I stopped posting roll and walked away from the accountability that held me quit. I failed on my own. September 2014, coming back and having a rough start, this is it. I can NEVER stop being held accountable. I don't want to die all cause I put some worm dirt in my lip. Want to watch my kids have kids and hell maybe their kids. My LIFE DEPENDS ON STAYING QUIT. Bottom line.
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Re: General Discussion - 2012
« Reply #996 on: December 19, 2012, 08:44:00 PM »
Quote from: QuittinTime
Quote from: iuchewie
Quote from: grizzlysnuffer
Thanks for the support of this site. I would like to ask, even though its probably already been asked, but will there be an iPhone/droid app? Can anyone set this up or have I just become that whiny ass bitch with the iPhone? Day26 also no sleep for 2 days 'zombie'
There isn't one... yet. But it's definitely on our radar screen.
Just keep clicking and scrolling and zooming you'll be to busy with the phone to be busy with the can. _
I would like an iPhone App! Nice way to post roll call.
I'm Bad, and that's good.
I will never be good, and that's not bad.
There's no one I'd rather be than me. - Wreck It Ralph

HOF speech

Offline Greg5280

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Re: General Discussion - 2012
« Reply #995 on: December 16, 2012, 11:15:00 AM »
Quote from: redyota
Quote from: lbj
Quote from: Crick
Quote from: outdoortexan
Good morning y'all. I know some of you know my story but some may not. Perhaps someone is stopping in this site and just thinking about quitting. I hope you make that choice and kill your can for good.

Seven years ago today I lay on a hospital bed at M.D. Anderson Cancer center in Houston. In the exact spot I had held my dip for so long they found a squamous cell carcinoma spot. I was told it was directly related to my dipping. That was near the end of September.

Now it was time to take care of it. My operation lasted some eleven hours. A large section of gum matter, three teeth and thirty seven lymphnodes were removed. My jawbone was shaved to half of it's thickness and a plate with screws added for reinforcement. A section of flesh was removed from my leg  and now and forever resides in my mouth.

My recovery will never be complete as I have pain everyday from the surgery. When I wake in the mornings my neck has drawn tight and I have to stretch it. Somedays it refuses to loosen. If I hold my head a certain way for any length of time, it tightens. Being a welder I usually hold my head a certain way everyday.  I will forever have this piece of leg in my mouth and no one who has had this "pleasure" will know what wonderful breath and taste you can have with leg in your mouth, especially when you wake in the morning.

I hope this is not to commercially for you, but in cas you haven't read my story or seen my pictures, got to my website and see what dipping did for me. If you are visiting here for the first time and merely considering quitting, please PLEASE do so. And don't forget to use every resource this site provides. I have been MIA in helping you guys and for that I apologize. I hope you all know I am willing to share with, talk with, any of you and would be deeply honored to help with your quit.

Take care, God bless and have a wonderful dip free remainder of your life.
Thought I would bump this back to the top of the page.
Is this viewable to the folks that are not members ,the lurkers??
If not it should be.
It is.
Anyone lurking and wondering if you should quit I highly suggest a stop by ODT's page. I spent some time there in my decision to quit. Very Powerful!!

Quit today, your life does in fact depend on it.....

Offline redyota

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Re: General Discussion - 2012
« Reply #994 on: December 15, 2012, 11:40:00 AM »
Quote from: lbj
Quote from: Crick
Quote from: outdoortexan
Good morning y'all. I know some of you know my story but some may not. Perhaps someone is stopping in this site and just thinking about quitting. I hope you make that choice and kill your can for good.

Seven years ago today I lay on a hospital bed at M.D. Anderson Cancer center in Houston. In the exact spot I had held my dip for so long they found a squamous cell carcinoma spot. I was told it was directly related to my dipping. That was near the end of September.

Now it was time to take care of it. My operation lasted some eleven hours. A large section of gum matter, three teeth and thirty seven lymphnodes were removed. My jawbone was shaved to half of it's thickness and a plate with screws added for reinforcement. A section of flesh was removed from my leg  and now and forever resides in my mouth.

My recovery will never be complete as I have pain everyday from the surgery. When I wake in the mornings my neck has drawn tight and I have to stretch it. Somedays it refuses to loosen. If I hold my head a certain way for any length of time, it tightens. Being a welder I usually hold my head a certain way everyday.  I will forever have this piece of leg in my mouth and no one who has had this "pleasure" will know what wonderful breath and taste you can have with leg in your mouth, especially when you wake in the morning.

I hope this is not to commercially for you, but in cas you haven't read my story or seen my pictures, got to my website and see what dipping did for me. If you are visiting here for the first time and merely considering quitting, please PLEASE do so. And don't forget to use every resource this site provides. I have been MIA in helping you guys and for that I apologize. I hope you all know I am willing to share with, talk with, any of you and would be deeply honored to help with your quit.

Take care, God bless and have a wonderful dip free remainder of your life.
Thought I would bump this back to the top of the page.
Is this viewable to the folks that are not members ,the lurkers??
If not it should be.
It is.
"We shall not fail or falter; we shall not weaken or tire...Give us the tools and we will finish the job." - Sir Winston Churchill

"Not using gets much easier as time goes by, but the consequences of "just one" never lessen." - Me

Offline lbj

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Re: General Discussion - 2012
« Reply #993 on: December 15, 2012, 11:27:00 AM »
Quote from: Crick
Quote from: outdoortexan
Good morning y'all. I know some of you know my story but some may not. Perhaps someone is stopping in this site and just thinking about quitting. I hope you make that choice and kill your can for good.

Seven years ago today I lay on a hospital bed at M.D. Anderson Cancer center in Houston. In the exact spot I had held my dip for so long they found a squamous cell carcinoma spot. I was told it was directly related to my dipping. That was near the end of September.

Now it was time to take care of it. My operation lasted some eleven hours. A large section of gum matter, three teeth and thirty seven lymphnodes were removed. My jawbone was shaved to half of it's thickness and a plate with screws added for reinforcement. A section of flesh was removed from my leg  and now and forever resides in my mouth.

My recovery will never be complete as I have pain everyday from the surgery. When I wake in the mornings my neck has drawn tight and I have to stretch it. Somedays it refuses to loosen. If I hold my head a certain way for any length of time, it tightens. Being a welder I usually hold my head a certain way everyday.  I will forever have this piece of leg in my mouth and no one who has had this "pleasure" will know what wonderful breath and taste you can have with leg in your mouth, especially when you wake in the morning.

I hope this is not to commercially for you, but in cas you haven't read my story or seen my pictures, got to my website and see what dipping did for me. If you are visiting here for the first time and merely considering quitting, please PLEASE do so. And don't forget to use every resource this site provides. I have been MIA in helping you guys and for that I apologize. I hope you all know I am willing to share with, talk with, any of you and would be deeply honored to help with your quit.

Take care, God bless and have a wonderful dip free remainder of your life.
Thought I would bump this back to the top of the page.
Is this viewable to the folks that are not members ,the lurkers??
If not it should be.
Take away,take away... take away this ball and chain

Offline redyota

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Re: General Discussion - 2012
« Reply #992 on: December 15, 2012, 08:18:00 AM »
Quote from: fire10257
A thought -- (since I've now had 9 days to use my brain instead of filling my free time [and lip] with dip...)

The wife has hounded me for years about quitting...I didn't care. She told me all the bad things it'l do to me...I didn't care. She told me that it will kill me...I wasn't willing to care. I lied to her over and over about quitting...or "it's the last can" or "today is my last day"...and I didn't really care.

So then I completely level with the wife and I find KTC...and a group of badasses... so I exchange some numbers and PM's and can't wait to post that damn roll every I honor my promise and not let my new brothers down -- mind you, my wife has been present for much of my 'cope'-ing and this is a group of people I've never met -- kindof weird.

Yeah, I need her but I guess I need you bunch of quitters too.

Here's to the quit.
We're not sure why it works, we just know that it does. You get it.

Glad to have you, and congrats on your new quit. 9 days is a HUUUGGGEE achievement. And today is even more important. Welcome.
"We shall not fail or falter; we shall not weaken or tire...Give us the tools and we will finish the job." - Sir Winston Churchill

"Not using gets much easier as time goes by, but the consequences of "just one" never lessen." - Me

Offline Fire10257

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Re: General Discussion - 2012
« Reply #991 on: December 15, 2012, 06:34:00 AM »
A thought -- (since I've now had 9 days to use my brain instead of filling my free time [and lip] with dip...)

The wife has hounded me for years about quitting...I didn't care. She told me all the bad things it'l do to me...I didn't care. She told me that it will kill me...I wasn't willing to care. I lied to her over and over about quitting...or "it's the last can" or "today is my last day"...and I didn't really care.

So then I completely level with the wife and I find KTC...and a group of badasses... so I exchange some numbers and PM's and can't wait to post that damn roll every I honor my promise and not let my new brothers down -- mind you, my wife has been present for much of my 'cope'-ing and this is a group of people I've never met -- kindof weird.

Yeah, I need her but I guess I need you bunch of quitters too.

Here's to the quit.

Offline blackoutskier

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Re: General Discussion - 2012
« Reply #990 on: December 13, 2012, 02:18:00 PM »
Quote from: blackoutskier
Just a curious question. I went to change my avatar or personal picture in the settings and it says I cant do it. Anyone have any answers about how to do this? I tried uploading an image and putting the website extension of the image.
figured it out nvm.
Plymouth Freestyle Ski Crew 2012
Home Mountains - Loon, Mt.So

I will stay quit, the Nic bitch is cut off

Offline blackoutskier

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Re: General Discussion - 2012
« Reply #989 on: December 13, 2012, 01:27:00 PM »
Just a curious question. I went to change my avatar or personal picture in the settings and it says I cant do it. Anyone have any answers about how to do this? I tried uploading an image and putting the website extension of the image.
Plymouth Freestyle Ski Crew 2012
Home Mountains - Loon, Mt.So

I will stay quit, the Nic bitch is cut off

Offline Wild_Bill

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Re: General Discussion - 2012
« Reply #988 on: December 13, 2012, 10:33:00 AM »
Quote from: outdoortexan
Good morning y'all. I know some of you know my story but some may not. Perhaps someone is stopping in this site and just thinking about quitting. I hope you make that choice and kill your can for good.

Seven years ago today I lay on a hospital bed at M.D. Anderson Cancer center in Houston. In the exact spot I had held my dip for so long they found a squamous cell carcinoma spot. I was told it was directly related to my dipping. That was near the end of September.

Now it was time to take care of it. My operation lasted some eleven hours. A large section of gum matter, three teeth and thirty seven lymphnodes were removed. My jawbone was shaved to half of it's thickness and a plate with screws added for reinforcement. A section of flesh was removed from my leg  and now and forever resides in my mouth.

My recovery will never be complete as I have pain everyday from the surgery. When I wake in the mornings my neck has drawn tight and I have to stretch it. Somedays it refuses to loosen. If I hold my head a certain way for any length of time, it tightens. Being a welder I usually hold my head a certain way everyday.  I will forever have this piece of leg in my mouth and no one who has had this "pleasure" will know what wonderful breath and taste you can have with leg in your mouth, especially when you wake in the morning.

I hope this is not to commercially for you, but in cas you haven't read my story or seen my pictures, got to my website and see what dipping did for me. If you are visiting here for the first time and merely considering quitting, please PLEASE do so. And don't forget to use every resource this site provides. I have been MIA in helping you guys and for that I apologize. I hope you all know I am willing to share with, talk with, any of you and would be deeply honored to help with your quit.

Take care, God bless and have a wonderful dip free remainder of your life.
Thought I would bump this back to the top of the page.

Outdoor: Man, what a brave son a buck you are. I remember just before my quit, I saw your pics. They scared the shit out of me. Thank you for your courage in sharing your story.


whsii 489
Quit Dip: August 12, 2011
Quit Cigs: October 1, 2009

veni, vici, cessavi

Offline Crick

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Re: General Discussion - 2012
« Reply #987 on: December 12, 2012, 06:54:00 PM »
Quote from: outdoortexan
Good morning y'all. I know some of you know my story but some may not. Perhaps someone is stopping in this site and just thinking about quitting. I hope you make that choice and kill your can for good.

Seven years ago today I lay on a hospital bed at M.D. Anderson Cancer center in Houston. In the exact spot I had held my dip for so long they found a squamous cell carcinoma spot. I was told it was directly related to my dipping. That was near the end of September.

Now it was time to take care of it. My operation lasted some eleven hours. A large section of gum matter, three teeth and thirty seven lymphnodes were removed. My jawbone was shaved to half of it's thickness and a plate with screws added for reinforcement. A section of flesh was removed from my leg and now and forever resides in my mouth.

My recovery will never be complete as I have pain everyday from the surgery. When I wake in the mornings my neck has drawn tight and I have to stretch it. Somedays it refuses to loosen. If I hold my head a certain way for any length of time, it tightens. Being a welder I usually hold my head a certain way everyday. I will forever have this piece of leg in my mouth and no one who has had this "pleasure" will know what wonderful breath and taste you can have with leg in your mouth, especially when you wake in the morning.

I hope this is not to commercially for you, but in cas you haven't read my story or seen my pictures, got to my website and see what dipping did for me. If you are visiting here for the first time and merely considering quitting, please PLEASE do so. And don't forget to use every resource this site provides. I have been MIA in helping you guys and for that I apologize. I hope you all know I am willing to share with, talk with, any of you and would be deeply honored to help with your quit.

Take care, God bless and have a wonderful dip free remainder of your life.
Thought I would bump this back to the top of the page.
Quit 5/29/10
Die'n aint much of a liv'n.
Destiny is not determined by chance. It is determined by choice.

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Re: General Discussion - 2012
« Reply #986 on: December 12, 2012, 12:15:00 PM »
Quote from: Keddy

Possibly another troll. Why can't these people get a life?
Handled. Thanks for the heads up.

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Re: General Discussion - 2012
« Reply #985 on: December 12, 2012, 09:49:00 AM »

Possibly another troll. Why can't these people get a life?

Offline QuittinTime

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Re: General Discussion - 2012
« Reply #984 on: December 11, 2012, 08:32:00 PM »
Quote from: iuchewie
Quote from: grizzlysnuffer
Thanks for the support of this site. I would like to ask, even though its probably already been asked, but will there be an iPhone/droid app? Can anyone set this up or have I just become that whiny ass bitch with the iPhone? Day26 also no sleep for 2 days 'zombie'
There isn't one... yet. But it's definitely on our radar screen.
Just keep clicking and scrolling and zooming you'll be to busy with the phone to be busy with the can. _
“Time takes it all, whether you want it to or not.”

Offline QuittinTime

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Re: General Discussion - 2012
« Reply #983 on: December 11, 2012, 08:29:00 PM »
Never again for any reason, for there is no reason. 'qt'
“Time takes it all, whether you want it to or not.”

Offline tarvman

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Re: General Discussion - 2012
« Reply #982 on: December 11, 2012, 08:28:00 PM »
I have a two sons who both chewed and have both quit. My oldest (24) quit when I did. My youngest who was also military quit before his first child was born. Damn sure wish I had done that. I've done chantix, welbutrin, and beer to no avail. Finally just said fuck it, if my boys can do it I damn sure better be able to. I appreciate the support and hope to be able to give back down the road. It's likely to be a bit rocky, but lifes a bitch and then you quit chewing.