I am on day 16 and I keep having close calls where I try to talk myself into buying a can. It's gotten a lot better as far as cravings, but now the curiosity has got me where I keep wondering what it would be like to throw in a fatty after more than two weeks quit. Anybody else battle with this and if so what has helped? I also feel like I wasn't ready to quit even though there is really no such thing as a time too early to quit but I think that idea is driving me to keep trying to convince myself it's okay to have just one. It's nice being quit, but it's also a pain in the ass at first. I need your input fellas.
first off, you are NOT alone. you are NOT the only person who's had these feelings, and quite frankly it's NOT a surprise that you're asking stuff like this.
here's how i dealt with those particular feelings.
ask yourself a couple of questions.
#1 what was your reason for quitting? is that reason still valid or has it changed in the last 16 days?
i imagine that that reason is still there and still just as valid as it was on day 1#2 is there something fundamentally different about dip today than 16 days ago? did it suddenly become NON cancer forming? did it suddenly become "good" for you?
i'm guessing not#3 do you now (after 16 days) ENJOY being a slave to a little round can?
once you answer these questions, i think you'll find that those thoughts in your head go away. realize this -- you are re-defining just about everything about yourself:
how you drive
how you handle stress
how you handle a fight with the wife
how you stay awake
how you start your day
how you end your day
what you do after dinner
what you do when you golf
how you deal with a bad putt
remember... THIS is the real you. the one without dip. the one who's free.
hang in there my man... you're closer to the real YOU than you were yesterday.