Hello QS Xtreme. I had been posting roll occasionally over here and always looked forward to coming in and see what was going on, read posts and get caught up with you all. But yesterday, to my surprise when I came here to post roll, my group was deleted. I kept thinking i was missing it. ALthough Jan 07 didn't post often, we still posted up at least monthly if not more. I then looked to my messages to see if one of the admins would have messaged me to explain where my group went and I saw 0 messages. Wow. Just deleted an entire group with no explanation. Then I decided that I shouldn't be surprised, this was the site that although I posted every day in here since this site was made, on my HOF date not one person came to my group to say congratulations or welcome to the HOF. But that's all fine. I just wish all of you good luck in your quits and since i don't have a home in here anymore, i won't be back.