Anyone having MLS' number call her. She has no plans on caving but is having a hard time otherwise. She would like some calls. She said she may not answer but would like voicemails if possible.
Nothing, but thank you for trying to help, Curtis. I don't want to keep bothering you and Beaver. Maybe I need more numbers, I don't know .. maybe I just need to say fuck it! What good am I doing anyone? I'm the problem and I just need to solve it! I don't know where to go from here. I'm scared .. confused .. and hurt.
Seems to me this should have been in the emergency thread Nickie. You know that you are an intergral part of this community. Your posts are inspirational and have kept many a quitter on the straight and narrow.
As far as digits go, mine are certainly available but I make no special exceptions for the terms. A PM with a
promise to at least call it (even if you just call and hang up immediately) before you cave.